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Been feeling a bit run down lately. Don't want anything to stop me having op. also starting to use weight watchers to try lose more weight before op.

Any suggestions what multi vitamins I should use? Added iron or zinc?
I was taking Tesco's multivitamins and minerals initially. After my op the Manor gave me a bottle of probiotic multivits and minerals which I've continued with. A bit more expensive but I'm spending a helluva lot less on my food bills these days :D
So you recommend with minerals?
I would. My consultant recommended it when I saw him too. You can become depleted in certain minerals, much as you do with vitamins due to your massively reduced intake. That and the shock to the system that the op itself is.
Got some chewable multivitamins and minerals from Superdrug, £2.99 for 60
i was advised to use any brand of A - Z Multivitamins including supermarkets own brand. i bought from asda when they had 2 for 1 offer and they have been fine xx
I got a chewable variety that was on the recommended list from the dietician, ( homebargains ) and the Dr put me in calcium and vitamin d, also had my first b12 shot today
MY A-Z multi vitamins were bought with my daughters boots card she had loads of points saved up got 3 for 2 offer but pot of 100 were £15 a pot so paid £30 for 300 well she did really told her to start savibg up again cos i'm on me last pot now xx Think mine are Centrum advance they were the only ones they had with the correct dosage the doc recommended. x
They taste minging lol.

Mayamoo - did it hurt? Yes I am a wuss as far as needles go and dreading the daily injections after the op.
I have now had 3 vitamin injections and i see the same nurse each time she does it very well feel very little the dec jab I had to have the flu jab as well one in each arm that day, wasn't I brave. The jabs in your belly before and after your op aren't bad either i was worried about them but they wern't at all bad xx
Needle didn't hurt I found the fluid stung a little but its not a big shot, stomach injections were fine but I couldnt bring myself to administer my own!
Think I may be the same, how many days post op do you have to have them for? Is it ten days?

District nurse will be sick of me lol
I only had jabs in stomach as long as I was in hospital after that I had none only the 3monthly vit B. Yes its the juice going in thatstings a bit but depends who does it as well. xx
Anth I think with Mr ackroyd ten days blood thinners is standard, and staples out after ten days.. . All good fun lol
Oh hell, forgot about the staples lol
Sorry ladies I had key hole no staples or stitches just glued. xx Just grit your teeth and get it over with xx
I was told to take sanatogen A-Z complete or Centrum multivitamin and mineral tablets.

But I went to superdrugs and compared all of them, and for a much less reasonable price, the wellbeing A-Z miltivitamins and minerals by superdrug were exactly the same amounts of each vitamin etc on the back....so I got a 120 tablet container and it was buy one get one free...So I got loads of savings that day!
I've said this before, but I think it's really really important to get high potency multivits after WLS. Some are such rubbish they barely do anything for us. There should be a list as long as your arm of all the vitamins they contain, and the more they contain the bigger the tablet is. Talking about when you're allowed to swallow pills again. My multivits (by Israeli company Solgar) are rather large and luridly orange but very potent, and as soon as I switched to those I stopped feeling weak and crap. So it's worth it. I take iron separately; I take spatone liquid sachets with orange juice.

After my bypass I took the Boots A to Z 50 plus multivitamin as they are quite small compared to the Forceval I got fom my GP, actually they where very small compared to Forcival, that was for the first 6 weeks, today I tried the Forcival for the first time, and it went down with no problems, so I will be on them now, they also have more in them than all the popular brands of 50 plus Multivitamins.

On a side note, I have noticed on this and other WLS Forums that a number of people are taking chewable multivitamins. I have been told by two different WLS Teams that the Chewable Multivitamins available in this country do not contain the necessary levels of some of the important minerals, I think Iron is one of the affected minerals. So if you are taking chewable, double check the Vitamin and Mineral levels against the levels in the better 50 plus vitamins from the likes of Centrum and Santagen.
