Lifes a beach
Hi, how's everyone getting on?? I've been really rubbish the last week or so. Have started again today. Hope you're all doing better than me! Xxx
Hiya Porpo, It looks like most of us are struggling a bit at the moment, but what is good is the fact we are all being honest about it and I know I dont feel judged, which can only be a good thing.
Fuze, is it worth sucking on ice cubes or frozen grapes to try and distract from hunger. It's bloody hard, but your so close to your op now and you gotta get that liver shrunk gal. I dont know what you are or arent allowed on the liver shrinker, but I've recently been enjoying the shape greek style citrus yoghurts, they are quite filling and stave of hunger, are you allowed those?
Zeta, home made cakes are fatal, I love home baking but have avoided making any cakes for about a month, much to my families annoyance.
I just weighed myself even though I wasnt going to this week (its totm) I have stayed the same, no loss no gain and that's after a fish n chip supper which actually HAS made me feel guilty and uncomfortably stuffed.
Even staying the same is a bonus tbh, as since my initial referral for wls aprox 2 yrs ago I have gained 4 to 5 stone, so stabalising is at least better than the gain I was having.
Saying that, I want to see LOSS next week so SUPER BOOSTER WILL POWER PACKS are ready to be collected