New Member
So I've been for my appointment today. Got there a tad early and said to hubby that I bet Mr Ammori would be running late. He didn't even arrive at clinic until 10 minutes after my appointment time and there were people waiting before me 
Anyway, I was weighed and I am now in double numbers for a kg weight
98kg. I also got a B12 injection. They've just started doing these at the 6 week post-op at the Spire. The GP will take them up from here. Then I went in to see Mr Ammori ... for about 3 minutes!
I felt very rushed and completely forgot what I wanted to ask or discuss. Well I didn't really feel "encouraged" to discuss things. I did tell him about my funny turns and he said he thinks I mildly dumped and thinks it was carbs that did it. He was happy with my weight loss, asked was I happy, was everything ok, and that was it.
To see him again in 3 months. He did say 3 months but then I will only be 4 and half months out and I thought I would see him next at 6 months so confused there.
I also got to see Charmaine (Charm55) so that was nice
Anyway, I was weighed and I am now in double numbers for a kg weight
I felt very rushed and completely forgot what I wanted to ask or discuss. Well I didn't really feel "encouraged" to discuss things. I did tell him about my funny turns and he said he thinks I mildly dumped and thinks it was carbs that did it. He was happy with my weight loss, asked was I happy, was everything ok, and that was it.
To see him again in 3 months. He did say 3 months but then I will only be 4 and half months out and I thought I would see him next at 6 months so confused there.
I also got to see Charmaine (Charm55) so that was nice