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My GP suggested WLS to me today. Not sure what to think.


Baxter's mum
I went in to see my gp today just to pick up my prescription and also check on blood test results as I've recently started taking statins for high cholesterol. It was a different gp to usual and to my surprise he mentioned my weight and asked me if I'd ever considered weight loss surgery. I was surprised because the other gp's I see tend to ignore the fact that I am morbidly obese. This is probably because I am treated for mental health problems and they don't want to stress me out. I was actually really relieved when he brought the subject up as I have been so unhappy with my weight for years and have never thought that they took it seriously.
So I said I would have a think about it and read up on the subject and see him again in a months time. I've tried every diet going in the last twenty years and never been able to keep the weight off. Last year I lost nearly 4 stone on lighter life but have since regained it all. At 36 I feel like an old lady and struggle just to get off the sofa. I've often thought about broaching the subject of weight loss surgery with my gp but didn't dare. I think I just expected to be given a lecture on healthy eating. If it was as simple as that I'd be a size ten lol.

So now I'm sat here googling the subject and trying to figure out the pros and cons. He said it would take around 16 weeks for a decision to be made as to whether I was eligible, once he'd referred me. There is also the possibility that my mental health history will go against me too. I suppose my main concern is how I would manage without food as a coping mechanism. Is that something that you get help with along with the surgery? I can't remember a time when food hasn't been my first way of coping with life and I've run out of steam on every diet after several months, so how on earth would I cope with making life long changes?
Hi Yorkie and welcome. How refreshing to hear of a GP that is actively recommending WLS for his patients.

Is your ticker correct? If so, have you checked that you meet the criteria for WLS in your area on the NHS? The bospa website is a good place to find out what criteria your PCT have in place.

Look forward to getting to know you x
lol my ticker is very out of date. I weighed in at 21 stone today which gives me a bmi of 45. I checked the requirements for my pct (I live in York) and it's automatic acceptance for BMI's of 50 plus so I guess that means I'll have to argue my case if I decide to go forward with this.
I've looked into it several times in the last couple of years but never broached it with my gp. I tend to vary between being very enthusiastic about losing weight and starting new diets, and then going through months of just overeating and denying what I'm doing to my body. Now I'm the heaviest I've ever been and finding out I had high cholesterol gave me the shake up I needed to think about a more extreme way of losing weight. It's weird really because I had considered asking my gp about it but kept bottling out, then he brought the subject up himself.
Another reason for wanting to lose weight is that my dad has terminal cancer. He has always worried far too much about me and I know how much it would mean to him if he saw me get some control over my eating disorder. I know I would need to do this for myself of course, but it's a big incentive for me to finally sort myself out whilst he's still around to see it.
Welcome Yorkiegirl, nice to have you here :) xx
Welcome to the site hun:DI'm sorry to hear about your Dad, as my Dad's cancer was also one of the main reasons I wanted to get healthy:(
Have you got any other conditions such as high bp or diabetes?:confused:Stick around here and ask as many questions as you want, it's a fab site x:D
Welcome to the site hun - warm welcome to you.
Good on you for doing your research. Post any questions you have on here. Everyone is wonderfully friendly and will answer you to the best of their knowledge x
thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I only have the high cholesterol at present, although my last blood tests showed I am 'borderline diabetic' whatever that means. I also have a diagnosis of depression over a number of years, which is made worse by my weight.

Candie, sorry to hear about your dad. I really want my dad to have a reason to be proud of me. I can hide my mood swings from him, but not the way I look, and he knows that all is not well in my life because of that.

Mostly I just want to have more of a life. I really feel like I missed out on so much in my teens and twenties, because being fat knocked my confidence so much. I've shut myself off from people, don't work, and rarely leave the flat nowadays. People can be so cruel when I'm out and think it's funny to shout 'fatty' etc, even though they don't know me. I want to be able to walk down the street and feel good about my appearance. I have been a normal weight once before, many years ago, so I know it doesn't solve everything. But it was easier.
Hi Yorkiegal
i remember my gp mentioning WLS to me i was in shock as, like you i didn't think i would meet the criteria, but i had my band fitted yesterday and so far even with the current discomfort i have no regrets, once the decision had been made i realised i had no choice but change my eating habbits, as with most overweight people i comfort ate , if i was happy , sad, fed up you name it , but as the health issues began ( high bp, diet control diabetes) i decided it was time to be in control and admitted i needed help to take control back. Whatever you decide i wish you good luck, this is a great site and has all the answers and questions you can think of , make sure you research as much as you can .x
Hi Yorkie - Welcome to the site

I think its great your GP is supporting you through this, i'd seriously consider taking up his offer, a supportive GP is half the battle (as others will tell you) if you do get the op longerterm you will really need his support.
I dont think you've described anything here that none of us have been through ourselves, so i expect we'd all sympathise with the way your feeling and your emotions around food etc.
I dont know that much about clinical depression, though i expect most of thats caused by the predicament your in at the moment, we all have an eating disorder of some sort and used food as a crutch, and having any WLS procedure will change the way you eat, view food and use that food to fulfill a need in your life, but trust me its so so worth it, there's no feeling in the world like being able to walk into a high street store of your choice and pick something of the rail and know it will fit, WLS truelly is life changing and any negatives associated are massively outweighed by the positives.......good luck with your journey, ask loads of question, and most importantly make the right descision for you.
Well I know it's only been 6 days since I last saw him but I've decided to make an appointment in the morning and ask my GP to refer me for WLS. I've spent this week reading everything I can find on different types of surgery, and also about other ways of losing weight. Thinking about it has also made me look at what I've been eating this week too. Cream cakes and bars of chocolate for breakfast. Pasties from the bakery for tea. Gallons of pepsi max. It has to stop. Today I made the mistake of getting the bus to Sainsburys just after school kicked out. Teenage girls can be so cruel, and I was a mess by the time I got home. I want to be able to go out and not be stared at. I'm not 100% certain that surgery is the way to go but I do want to be referred so I can get the ball rolling whilst I decide. I'm hoping my gp can perhaps refer me to an obesity clinic or group too in the meantime, and I'm also thinking of getting some private therapy where I can figure out some of the reasons for my bingeing.

I wasn't due back to see the doc for another month for my prescription but I can't wait.
Hi Yorkie girl

It sounds like you have done a lot of thinking already about this and you are right to question how you will cope not using food as a crutch, I think most of us have had this problem but as far as I can see we seem to be managing to overcome it. I would be lying if I said it was easy, it isnt a magic wand but I got to tell you it has been a great gift. Its still early days for me I'm only just over 3 months post op but it really has made a difference already.

You have found the right place for support and advice, good luck with your next gp appointment and your journey


Oh I also wanted to add that like silver surfer says, having a supportive gp is a good start but be prepared to have to jump through a number of hoops and also have considerably long waiting times, for me it was over 2 yrs for others 6 months or so. They have quite long waiting lists for wls depending on your area and even if your funding is awarded within 3 months, you may then have to wait for surgery.
thanks swizzlestick. I know it's going to take a long time and there's a good chance I won't be accepted for surgery anyway. Just managed to locate a confidential draft for wls from my local pct which someone has posted on the net. It made interesting reading but unfortunately looks like York is only taking people over 45bmi if they have other serious health conditions, which I don't.