We are incredibly proud to introduce our son Reggie Richard Vincent Parry who was born at 23 weeks on the 8th of October, weighing 550g and went to heaven, on Thursday the 17th of October. We would like to tell you everything he has been through, what a fighter he has been and why we are so lucky to have had him for the 9 days and 22 hours of his life. After having pre cancerous cells removed, it unknowingly weakening my womb. When I went into labour on the Monday they said I was 4cm dilated and if I had him then (22weeks+6days) they would not try to keep him in this world. He held on, he clearly wanted to be here with his family and was born at 3:50pm in Broomfield on the Tuesday, kicking his legs around and showing so much strength. We were then all transferred to The Rosie, Addenbrooks hospital in Cambridge where we all stayed together the entire time and supported by the bestest nurses and consultants in the world. They said he may not make the hospital transfer journey, he may not make the first 72 hours, the first week but he proved them all wrong. He had a hole in his heart, he had two non life altering brain bleeds and a ruptured bowel - all through this he still managed to breath pretty much on his own, amazing us every day, filling our hearts with love and a bond that will never be broken or replaced. He was strong and put up the bestest fight to stay with us!! Reggie was a big miracle, in a small package and he gave his mummy and daddy real strength through this heartbreaking and terrifying time. Reggie had surgery at 8 days old, told by surgeons that he may not make it but it was needed to try and keep him with us - he made it through and returned to us but there were complications. He was so tiny, his liver and kidneys started to fail once he returned and we was told he was starting to shut down and he was telling us he needed to rest now. We are so blessed to have had him and the memories we have made as a family. Mummy managed to give him her own milk, daddy read him stories all day and night and we both changed his nappy whilst getting pee'ed on. We were lucky enough to hold you in our arms whilst you took your final breaths and that was the most happiest, calming, loving and heartbreaking feeling in the world. We know you can finally sleep deep and you have no more pain baby boy, we know you was tired and tried hard and long enough. We love you so so soo much Reggie, our hearts are broken but full of love and strength because of you!!! You have changed our lives and although you was only with us for a small amount of time, you are the bestest thing that has ever happened to us and we thank you for giving us the time and strength you had!! You was far to perfect for this world We will always have you in our hearts and mind, love you forever and miss you so much, Mummy and Daddy x x x x