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My Local MP`s secretary replied to my email :)

oh thats great vamp, good luck mate :) xxx
Good luck Hun hope they help u the reply from her sounds positive so fingers crossed for u ;) x

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Fantastic news!!!
Good news
Great news, hopefully onward and downward lol ;) x x
Lets hope its the kick they need !!!!!!!!!
Brilliant girl power. Don't give up x
thanks everyone, she emailed me back a while ago and said she has sent out letters to the Chief Executive of the NHS and to my Gp and shes going to send me a copy of the letter, in my head i think i will get the op in the end, its just the waiting and fighting, sometimes i feel like i dont have the strength to keep fighting.. but i will. thanks all xx
wow what fantastic service!!! good luck :) xxx
What a day of ups and downs for you. Keep the prize in sight and you will get there.
That sounds positive!! So glad there could be a light at the end of the tunnel :)
SOunds promising Vamp. Good luck
p.s. You don't look at all fat in your photos