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My Local MP`s secretary replied to my email :)

wannabeminime said:
I saw on FB you have some news?? Spill!!:D:D xx

The news is in another thread :)
thats fantastic, thats how i got my op in the end because even though my bmi was over 70 my pct refused me because i had no co-morbidities and so didnt fit the nice guidelines.

but my local mp got on it and i had my funding approved and ad my actual op within 2 months of his letter.

and the last line on his letter to my pct was
" I would like you to address all of the above issues raised by both myself and Miss Marsden with a view of funding her weight loss surgery."

And Boom... i get a letter back saying funding approved!
thats fantastic, thats how i got my op in the end because even though my bmi was over 70 my pct refused me because i had no co-morbidities and so didnt fit the nice guidelines.

but my local mp got on it and i had my funding approved and ad my actual op within 2 months of his letter.

and the last line on his letter to my pct was
" I would like you to address all of the above issues raised by both myself and Miss Marsden with a view of funding her weight loss surgery."

And Boom... i get a letter back saying funding approved!

Well done!!!

With a BMI that high, you certainly fit NICE guidelines. It was you pct that was being an arse.

Well done for fighting for it :)
Brilliant news hun...Keep at it..it's well worth it
Good luck x