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My pain in my side sometimes is unbearable....please help


New Member
hi guys i am 6 weeks post op and i am still having pains in my left side. the pain comes and goes. :( but this weekend the pain has been the worst i have ever felt it. i cant bend and last night i couldnt sleep. i have tried lying on both sides but couldnt get comfortable until i lay on my back, (which i never can do, i only sleep on my side). i have a fill in less than 2 weeks so will ask about it then. nut hoping someone can assure me that its nothing too serious. i really couldnt face surgery again. has anyone had this problem.... please advise me xx :cry:
Hi also not much teal advice other than to say please do not put up with the pain too long before talking to your medical team, best to be safe than sorry
All the best

I'd agree with everyone else, get yourself checked today don't wait!!! Even if it comes back okay it will put your mind at rest. I know from my own personally journey trust your body's instinct! Take care
Don't put up with this any longer... get it checked out as soon as you can.

I hope you get it sorted really soon flower x
You need to get medical advice, you cant be expected to put up with that much pain, so there has to be a reason for it. Like everyone has already said get your self checked out now not later xx
Please speak to your medi team asap, as some one whos band went wrong you need advice NOW...
Maura, I am 10 days post op and my left shoulder pain has been a nightmare, to be honest it has been the worst part so I do sympathise with you. Please go and get it checked it. I am having my stitches out tomorrow and I will be asking to see if they can do anything for that pain. Take care xx
Contact your team immediately. You shouldn't be having discomfort now never mind pain that's bad enough for you to ask advice about online.....

This is what you paid for when you had your surgery, professional support xxx
hi guys, just to let u know i am a lot better. the pain has eased. i have been told that i have strained muscles... unfortunately i have overdone things, i bought my son a trampoline last week and assembled it along with my daughter. i have been sore then.... but have just worked out what the problem might be. i have emailed my consultant and waiting on his reply. but have had paiin relief and alot better and relieved. thanks guys xx
My consultant has confirmed that i have over done things. make the rest of you learn, if you are post op and feeling good, it doesnt mean you are fully healed... thankfully i am now out of pain and have to take it easy
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