I know Ive changed!
I decided to share some pictures of my furry babies (they arent just pets, they are all my babies lol).
This is my dog Blade, he is nearly three and is a shitzu/westie mix. Interesting fact...he can 'say' oh mama lol We got him from a breeder, something I wouldnt usually do but saw him and just had to.
This is my cat Nala, she is around nine years old now and can be something of a grumpy puss, she knows what she likes and doesnt like being hassled by the dog or my other cat. She is sometimes called a snob by visitors because she stays away from them and looks at them like they are something she has trodden in lol She loves a cuddle from me and hubby always laughs and says "if she could melt INTO you she would" because she cuddles me so lovingly lol Because she is so fussy about who she gives affection to it makes her wanting to cuddled almost constantly by me all the sweeter. She is a Cats Protection cat, we got her from them after she came from a family where she was hassled by children constantly, probably why she likes her peace and quiet so much. We got her at around four months old. She had some dental issues and so doesnt have so many teeth left bless her. She is spayed too, hence she lives with a boy cat.
This is our cat Bobby. He is around eight years old and is a funny little thing. He is sometimes very clever but mainly very 'simple', not helped by the fact that a few years back he climbed into the tumble drier and hid under some clothes and even though we checked it we didnt feel him and...well, a couple of minutes later we heard a thump and checked and there he was!!! A visit to the emergency vet ensued, followed by me sitting up all night with him watching him like a hawk. Needless to say we NEVER leave the drier door open now and we ALWAYS doubley tripley check now! Bobby is also a Cats Protection cat, we never really were told why he was there but he was and was around 12 weeks old when we got him.
He loves to spar with Blade on occassion but mainly he likes to run around the house like a loony playing tag by himself!!! (that or my ghost cat and dog!!!). He also loves to jump on one of the radiator cat beds and snuggles down so much that you just see a black mass on it lol
My bunny Snowey, I love this picture because she looks so funny with that tongue out lol
We got her from a friend of a family member after they said that if they didnt find a home for her they would let her go in the wild, I couldnt allow that so we took her in.
This is a rough picture of our garden pond where we have different kinds of fish, shubunkins, koi, grass carp etc including three 'rescued' funfair goldfish!!! One of the big albino grass carps survived a heron attack a couple of years back, it had a bruised head but it survived and is really big now.
So those are my lovely pets.
Sorry about the size of the pictures.
Steph xx
I decided to share some pictures of my furry babies (they arent just pets, they are all my babies lol).
This is my dog Blade, he is nearly three and is a shitzu/westie mix. Interesting fact...he can 'say' oh mama lol We got him from a breeder, something I wouldnt usually do but saw him and just had to.

This is my cat Nala, she is around nine years old now and can be something of a grumpy puss, she knows what she likes and doesnt like being hassled by the dog or my other cat. She is sometimes called a snob by visitors because she stays away from them and looks at them like they are something she has trodden in lol She loves a cuddle from me and hubby always laughs and says "if she could melt INTO you she would" because she cuddles me so lovingly lol Because she is so fussy about who she gives affection to it makes her wanting to cuddled almost constantly by me all the sweeter. She is a Cats Protection cat, we got her from them after she came from a family where she was hassled by children constantly, probably why she likes her peace and quiet so much. We got her at around four months old. She had some dental issues and so doesnt have so many teeth left bless her. She is spayed too, hence she lives with a boy cat.

This is our cat Bobby. He is around eight years old and is a funny little thing. He is sometimes very clever but mainly very 'simple', not helped by the fact that a few years back he climbed into the tumble drier and hid under some clothes and even though we checked it we didnt feel him and...well, a couple of minutes later we heard a thump and checked and there he was!!! A visit to the emergency vet ensued, followed by me sitting up all night with him watching him like a hawk. Needless to say we NEVER leave the drier door open now and we ALWAYS doubley tripley check now! Bobby is also a Cats Protection cat, we never really were told why he was there but he was and was around 12 weeks old when we got him.
He loves to spar with Blade on occassion but mainly he likes to run around the house like a loony playing tag by himself!!! (that or my ghost cat and dog!!!). He also loves to jump on one of the radiator cat beds and snuggles down so much that you just see a black mass on it lol

My bunny Snowey, I love this picture because she looks so funny with that tongue out lol
We got her from a friend of a family member after they said that if they didnt find a home for her they would let her go in the wild, I couldnt allow that so we took her in.

This is a rough picture of our garden pond where we have different kinds of fish, shubunkins, koi, grass carp etc including three 'rescued' funfair goldfish!!! One of the big albino grass carps survived a heron attack a couple of years back, it had a bruised head but it survived and is really big now.

So those are my lovely pets.
Sorry about the size of the pictures.
Steph xx