Today, had been one of those days where you do all you can to stay upbeat and still have to sit and watch as "everything" unfolds around you.
My mum and sister love my dearly I know and of course they scared and worried but hear flat out that "You shouldn't have had weightloss surgery because of the impact that your choice is now having on the rest of us", has winded me. I already knew it was how they felt, (their actions and snide remarks made it obvious) but I hoped that they would have thought twice about actually voicing their opinions until I was well and truly on the mend and we could all talk about this ordeal with clear heads.
Apparently my positive outlook shows I am not grasping the severity of the situation and have no intention of even trying to gain the weight my team have recommended. I look worse than I did when I went in to hospital and my actions are having a detrimental affect on my children because I cannot be there for them as a mother should. Everyone is scared stiff because I still have surgery to come and they will all have to wait and see what complications arise from that. Its all a nightmare and I should have "done it the hard way".
I have no words to describe how I felt as they laid into me. All this, while I was literally dragging my body around my kitchen and attached to my bump! I feel guilty that my choices have forced everyone around me to deal with more than they should. That being said, anyone with true kindness in their hearts would never mention it would they? They would just get on with helping because that is what loved ones do. My husband has not complained once about my choices although I know he is juggling 10 times as much now. We love each other; When he cannot manage I step in and vice versa. No talk, we just do.
I am doing all I can to stay strong, there is no room is my head for "what if's" and tears. If I start on down that road, there is no telling if I will ever come back. I have dealt with depression in the past, it crippled me and I am finally medication free. I have to listen, vent and then forget.