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my smile has slipped

Tracey ( eyore)

New Member
Yesterday was the best day ever reaching my 3 stone weight lose .
BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sigh::cry:
Today i woke to letters from the hospital saying that after the last test they done the sleep one that they are now going to supply me with a c-pap machine for which i am worrying myself sick as the hospital know i hate things over my face and they have to put me to sleep before the mask goes on. i cannot believe this as i have never had trouble sleeping at home unless i am in pain from my fibromylagia. Since reading this letter i have sat crying:cry: i know exactly what a c-pap machine is i have to set my hubbys, grandads up for him, they also hurt my face as i have fibro in my jaw...................i just dont know what to do now.......................this has come a surprise to me and i feel all confused...........:rolleyes:

Thank god other than the usual showing up my bloods were fine, BUT still no new date for my op.
Try not to worry, its a good thing that its been found and that you can get the cpap, I know its scary but afew people I know said they got used to it fairly easily. If you had had your op and they didnt know this it would have been worse.
There is a version that covers only the nose maybe you can have that?
Sending lots of hugs.
I didnt expect to have sleep apneoa either but I do, although not enough for cpap.
Tracey - I don't know what a cpap machine is but I will look it up in a mo. I just wanted to say I'm sorry this has upset you. Stay strong :)
I feel for you hun it must be awful at the minute for you and causing you more added stress. They must need to do it though hun for your safety, hope you can do this and keep strong, just keep thinking of your op and think positive. Sending you big hugs hun xxx
zns how long do i need to be using the c-pap b4 my op .................... also i have had 9 ops in 3 years never had to have one before x
zns how long do i need to be using the c-pap b4 my op .................... also i have had 9 ops in 3 years never had to have one before x

Not sure sorry I cant remember what was said as I didnt need cpap. I would give them a call on Monday and see what they say, it might not be too much of an issue. I was there thursday and friday. They are still giving a few dates for this month, some for september and others october.
yeah she said to me it would be september i will be ringing monday . i always receive their letters in a saturday ...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
thank you anyway x
Sorry I'm of no use 'cos I know nothing about the machines. I know what you mean about masks as I hate them, all of them. Its the smell of the rubber & I know the knew modern ones arent suppose to smell but I still think I can.

Good luck & take care
c-pap arent nice anyway go right over mouth and nose anf the kinda clamp inplace and they do the breathing for you x
Some one told me last night they do half ones so i may see if i can have one of those if i have to.