New Member
I got to hospital at around 7.15 on Tuesday morning, was feeling pretty nervous but not too bad. I was on a day ward with 1 other person having the same op but unfortunately I couldn't chat to her as she didn't understand much English. So I chatted to the other 4 ladies on the ward who were all having different ops.
Nurse came round to book me in and explained that I was 2nd on list but that it could change, she also put an injection in my stomach which I have to say really hurt
My surgeon came by and said hi and said he would come and see me later, he sent one of his team to come and see me who explained the op, told me if they couldn't for some reason do a bypass they would do a sleeve, and explained all the risks etc. A little later they came and told me the list was shuffled and I was now fourth so would be in the afternoon, lots of waiting so I settled in with a book.
The lady before me got taken down at 1.30 so I clock watched then but it wasn't until 4.00 they came and made me gown up and put on the lovely black stockings, at 4.20 they came to get me, I was wheeled down in my bed to the prep room and the anaesthetist who saw me earlier was there with another one and a lovely nurse, on entering this room I had a bit of a wobble and starting crying, but the nurse started chatting to me and they then tried to put a canula in, 3 attempts and much stinging later I finally had one
They put on a blood pressure cuff and attached heart monitors etc, few mins later it was off to sleep.
I woke up in recovery and had several nurses around me, there was a tube from my nose and I had on an oxygen mask, I remember looking at the clock and it was around 7.20. Am a little hazy on what happened next but I then remember becoming aware of being on a dark ward, I had another canula on my inner arm and I remember saying to the nurse where did it come from cos I only had one when I went to
I was hooked up to an iv and then they added a bottle of something to the other canula and because I was in some pain they gave me a shot of morphine in my leg too. I was pretty surprised not to have a drain in my stomach, I just had one out of my nose and it was filled with blue stuff, I also didn't have a catheter fitted.
At about 2am I felt like I needed the loo, I had to buzz the nurse but tbh I didn't find I was in that much pain at this point and I got out of bed reasonably ok, they took me to the toilet and I could not go for love nor money, they even ran the tap but it just wouldn't So I went back to bed and I think it was about 3 hours later that I tried again, at this point the drain in my nose was causing me severe discomfort and I couldn't stop retching, they decided to remove it as it had stopped draining stuff ages before, so the drain came out and I felt a million times better, I was also able to go to the loo which felt great
The next morning my surgeon came to see me, he told me that the op went ahead perfectly and that he was pleased I was sipping water, gave me instructions to move around as much as possible and that if I continued getting my fluids down I could go home in the morning.
Pretty uneventful day followed, I carried on sipping water which changed to sugar free juice later on and I have to say I was really really surprised at how little pain I was actually in from my stomach and op sites, I have 6 wounds, and apart from a little stinging now and then i don't really notice them.
The trapped wind kicked in early evening but moving around and having a chewable windeze kept it manageable. They came round and gave me that awful injection again and this time did it in my leg, it didn't hurt as much going in but blimmin heck it stings for ages after
Managed on dissolvable paracetemol and liquid ibuprofen through the night and next morning went for a lovely refreshing shower, what did happen is the injection from the previous night had turned into a huge bruise with a hard lump in the middle and when I was washing down my leg is started pouring with blood, I put pressure on it, got dried and part dressed and had to call the nurse, she put a dressing on but it bled loads and for ages, they reckon that the needle must have hit a pappilory I think they called it.
After that the dietitian came to see me with a book and explained my diet list to me, and then the surgeon who called me a star patient and said he was really pleased with me, and could I remember to carry a picture of the old me at all appointments as he was sure he wouldn't recognise me next time he sees, lovely man
Got all packed up and off I went, had an awful day but have already explained that in a previous post, am doing really well at home and apart from the odd outbreak of wind and sore throat/bruising from tubes and drains etc I am quite comfortable.
Sorry if it is long winded and boring, am still pretty tired and a little muzzy headed but xxxx
Nurse came round to book me in and explained that I was 2nd on list but that it could change, she also put an injection in my stomach which I have to say really hurt
The lady before me got taken down at 1.30 so I clock watched then but it wasn't until 4.00 they came and made me gown up and put on the lovely black stockings, at 4.20 they came to get me, I was wheeled down in my bed to the prep room and the anaesthetist who saw me earlier was there with another one and a lovely nurse, on entering this room I had a bit of a wobble and starting crying, but the nurse started chatting to me and they then tried to put a canula in, 3 attempts and much stinging later I finally had one
They put on a blood pressure cuff and attached heart monitors etc, few mins later it was off to sleep.
I woke up in recovery and had several nurses around me, there was a tube from my nose and I had on an oxygen mask, I remember looking at the clock and it was around 7.20. Am a little hazy on what happened next but I then remember becoming aware of being on a dark ward, I had another canula on my inner arm and I remember saying to the nurse where did it come from cos I only had one when I went to
I was hooked up to an iv and then they added a bottle of something to the other canula and because I was in some pain they gave me a shot of morphine in my leg too. I was pretty surprised not to have a drain in my stomach, I just had one out of my nose and it was filled with blue stuff, I also didn't have a catheter fitted.
At about 2am I felt like I needed the loo, I had to buzz the nurse but tbh I didn't find I was in that much pain at this point and I got out of bed reasonably ok, they took me to the toilet and I could not go for love nor money, they even ran the tap but it just wouldn't So I went back to bed and I think it was about 3 hours later that I tried again, at this point the drain in my nose was causing me severe discomfort and I couldn't stop retching, they decided to remove it as it had stopped draining stuff ages before, so the drain came out and I felt a million times better, I was also able to go to the loo which felt great
The next morning my surgeon came to see me, he told me that the op went ahead perfectly and that he was pleased I was sipping water, gave me instructions to move around as much as possible and that if I continued getting my fluids down I could go home in the morning.
Pretty uneventful day followed, I carried on sipping water which changed to sugar free juice later on and I have to say I was really really surprised at how little pain I was actually in from my stomach and op sites, I have 6 wounds, and apart from a little stinging now and then i don't really notice them.
The trapped wind kicked in early evening but moving around and having a chewable windeze kept it manageable. They came round and gave me that awful injection again and this time did it in my leg, it didn't hurt as much going in but blimmin heck it stings for ages after
Managed on dissolvable paracetemol and liquid ibuprofen through the night and next morning went for a lovely refreshing shower, what did happen is the injection from the previous night had turned into a huge bruise with a hard lump in the middle and when I was washing down my leg is started pouring with blood, I put pressure on it, got dried and part dressed and had to call the nurse, she put a dressing on but it bled loads and for ages, they reckon that the needle must have hit a pappilory I think they called it.
After that the dietitian came to see me with a book and explained my diet list to me, and then the surgeon who called me a star patient and said he was really pleased with me, and could I remember to carry a picture of the old me at all appointments as he was sure he wouldn't recognise me next time he sees, lovely man
Got all packed up and off I went, had an awful day but have already explained that in a previous post, am doing really well at home and apart from the odd outbreak of wind and sore throat/bruising from tubes and drains etc I am quite comfortable.
Sorry if it is long winded and boring, am still pretty tired and a little muzzy headed but xxxx