GIRL!!! Ime a bloke haha xx
Hold on i never asked for an apology or felt there was 1 to give but if you were in my position being messed around by Salford you might be as cheesed off as i am having had 3 waste of time appointments for nothing.
Ide like to know how you had your op so quick when ive been waiting since March and now ime told its going to be Oct/Nov and ime a 56 BMI good luck to you and this isnt a dig at you but it pisses me off waiting and seeing other people operated on b4 me though i have no god given right to be quicker than any 1 else.
I got PCT approval in April
I actualy went into hospital on the 10th July and was out by 11.00am on the next day so all in all 11 hours after my op. and still doing fine no pain ect:family2: Gail.x
i am so pleased everything went so smoothly for you GM, your enthusiasm (spelling?) is very contagious and i wish you oodles of weight loss in the coming weeks
so pleased everything went well and 12 weeks boy are you lucky i was first referd in september 2008 and still not got a date although jill mr ammories secretary tells me im near top of list so fingers crossed it wont be long now. 12 months seems to be about average. i hope he as a good holiday and comes back nice and refreshed