New Member
hi, I'm nearly 5 weeks post op (bypass) and I'm on normal foods.
I'm finding that every time i eat anything I'm nauseous :9529:
this means that i have to lie down and go to sleep for about an hour :wave_cry: every time.....
i don't know what to do? im not managing to eat or drink a lot which is making it worse.
today i've eaten a satsuma for breakfast, a couple of breadstick dipped in low fat houmous for lunch and two slices of chicken and a tiny bit of salad for dinner
i know its not enough but i cant manage any more. any suggestions please :cry:
thanks tasha xx
I'm finding that every time i eat anything I'm nauseous :9529:
this means that i have to lie down and go to sleep for about an hour :wave_cry: every time.....
i don't know what to do? im not managing to eat or drink a lot which is making it worse.
today i've eaten a satsuma for breakfast, a couple of breadstick dipped in low fat houmous for lunch and two slices of chicken and a tiny bit of salad for dinner
thanks tasha xx