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New method of weight loss!


New Member
I've searched far and wide and finally I've found it................a brand new method of weight loss.


That's right folks, not the kind you eat but the kind that suck at your feet.

I've just been to "appy feet" to have my dead skin sucked off. That must be worth a few pounds I'm sure.


LOL!! Very good I like that one... *note to self: must let fish eat my feet before my next weigh in :D
Oh NO!! I don't think I could ! Arghhhhhh!
Oooh how was it.... I'm looking to trial it but have heard mixed reviews. x

Well I was feeling really squeamish, but I just took a deep breath and popped my feet in. It kind of tickled for a minute and then felt like bubbles popping on your feet, or as my nine year old said; "it's like lots of little kisses".

I even had my hands done, as a famous supermarket states; every little helps!

Seriously though it's surprisingly effective and surprisingly relaxing, highly recommended.

i loved it but i must admit,for days after i worried the poor lil fings must be dead,after my feet! lol i was assured ,no fish were harmed during the making of this soft footed woman! lol
Would it work if i sat in a bath full of them, go in 21st come out 12st.
oooo one of those places has opened up near me. I really fancy having lots of little fishes kissing my feet!
I did wonder if I should go without nail varnish on my toe nails?!
The more I think about this the more I think I might give it a go.. Mind you if it's arrived in Cornwall yet I'd be very surprised ;)
we got it here in swansea, £10 a go, i think next time im in town ill have to have a little go lol x
Apparently the fish like it lol! I do wonder how anyone knows that. it's on my list of treats. i have heard it's best to go early coz the lil darlins get full up and aren't interested after they done a couple!
My dh is going to have it done too!
there has been talk about it not being good for u too, think they saying it causes infection's, i dunno how much of this is true o, id b up fot giving it a go though lol x
It has been banned in 14 US states due to infection control issues. There are a few things i would consider first;

DONT have it if you have poor circulation, diabetes, thin skin, severely cracked heels, open wounds, verrucae, athletes foot or fungal nails.

If they dont check your feet THOROUGHLY before bathing your feet, i would walk away. That means LOOKING between your toes, etc, not just asking if you have any athletes foot or verrucae etc.

I have had this done, just so i knew what i was talking about to my clients (i work with feet), and i wasnt impressed with the result, as well as the hygiene. Dont forget, even though the water is filtered 3 times an hour, the fish poo and wee in the water all the time. I think you can do a better job with a decent foot file and foot cream, and if you have corns, thick heels etc, a visit to a chiropodist would serve you much better than a fish pedi.

My opinion of it is that its a flash in then pan; give it a couple of years and these places will be gone.