Blonde Jane Blonde
New Member
Haha..... the man is a fool clearly!Blimey that was tough, well done you.
I had a second date this man in my life has not come with perfect timing! First date was the day before I started pre-op so I could just have normal dinner so had to come up with a cunning plan for second date.. so we did bowling and I said I had eaten before I came out. But then after I said good night I realised I really liked him and it would be unfair not tell him what I was doing .. so I sent him an email and have not heard back.. must be a chubby chaser:sigh:!
I am at St Anthonys in Cheam not that far from you. Its a private hospital which takes NHS patients. We should keep in touch and compare notes?
Excellent. Would be great to keep in touch especially as so close in op date and geographically too. Thanks x