Rinata Rak
I'm doing ok! I've got my 6 week check up with my surgeon on Monday and then I see the dietician on Wednesday...bit worried they will tell me I've not lost enough! My fault due to chocolategate!! I have been sleeping fine on my side for the last couple of weeks and tried sleeping on my tummy the other night for a little bit and it wasn't too bad. Not been sick with anything as yet and no constipation yet so fingers crossed. I do get the bubbles after eating like you too. Do you worry about over eating now your on normal food? Not confident of any weight loss this week, too much chocolate and TOTM. What exercise are you planning on doing, I'm hoping to start the exercise after I've got the all clear next weekxx
KatD, you've lost a really good amount and don't forget everyone has different paces! Glad you can sleep on your side. It's great isn't??!!!
I get the air bubbles when I start eating and carries on when I stop eating and hiccups. I actually feel bigger since I've been on soft foods. I hope I have lost weight this week as I am lot more mobile. I'm hoping to start swimming next week as it would be a good way to start building up my stamina slowly and it's not so much of a strain on the body.
Good luck with your Surgeon appointment on Monday. I'm sure it will go well... Keep us updated!! Stay off the chocolate in the meantime!! Xx