New Member
Dawn, if you mean me (my name is Brooke haha) I'm in Leicestershire 
OMG Helen that's amazing wish I was as quick good luck with that . Unfortunately I have 6 months of 3 tier weight management at least first x
Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Eligibility for bariatric surgery
Surgery will only be considered as a treatment option for people with morbid obesity providing all of the following criteria are fulfilled:
The individual is considered morbidly obese. For the purpose of this policy bariatric surgery will be offered to adults with a BMI of 40kg/m2 or more, or between 35 kg/m2 and 40kg/m2 or greater in the presence of other significant diseases. There must be formalised MDT led processes for the screening of co-morbidities and the detection of other significant diseases. These should include identification, diagnosis, severity/complexity assessment, risk stratification/scoring and appropriate specialist referral for medical management. Such medical evaluation is mandatory prior to entering a surgical pathway. Morbid/severe obesity has been present for at least five years. The individual has recently received and complied with a local specialist obesity service weight loss programme (non surgical Tier 3 / 4), described as follows: This will have been for duration of 12-24 months. For patients with BMI > 50 attending a specialist bariatric service, this period may include the stabilisation and assessment period prior to bariatric surgery. The minimum acceptable period is six months. The specialist obesity weight loss programme and MDT should be decided locally. This will be led by a professional with a specialist interest in obesity and include a physician, specialist dietician, nurse, psychologist and physical exercise therapist, all of whom must also have a specialist interest in obesity. There are different models of local MDT structure. Important features are the multidisciplinary, structured and organised approach, lead professional, assessment of evidence that all suitable non invasive options have been explored and trialled and individualised patient focus and targets. In addition to offering a programme of care the service will select and refer appropriate patients for consideration for bariatric surgery.
The non-surgical Tier 3 / 4 service may be community or hospital-based but will have as their role
6th November my GP got the ball rolling, I've been told that my op will be by end of May - on waiting list, signed consent forms, told could be sooner... If it does happen by end of May my whole process under the Imperial Trust (St Mary's Hospital in Paddington) will be 7 months. xx
They are a fab team and I feel lucky to have been able to get a referral to them as I live in Essex near Colchester so im not really local lol... did yiu have to go through the funding thing dave??
St Mary's operate 'self funding' - they assess and deem who is suitable based on their experience and the individuals cases. They don't make anyone have weight management courses, the nurse there said their research has shown it is unlikely to impact post op (and costs them more in the long term than just going straight to operation stage) xx Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery