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NHS Tummy Tuck Diary (Pics Included)

Wow Jo! Have just seen your pics and I have to say, your scar is so neat and what a huge improvement. You must be over the moon. I'd love to see how it's looking after 5 months (excuse me if I'm being cheeky) ;)

You must have been in a lot of pain having both procedures done at the same time. Worth it now though hey? You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned in Lou's post about just wanting to feel normal. Its a horrid feeling when you look in the mirror and your face doesn't match your body isn't it.
Hi Jo. Thanks so much. I've added you so you can see my pics.

Would love to see yours too. How does your scar look 5 months on? I've been using bio oil and those silicone sheet things and my OH reckons the scar is really flattening a lot quicker than my c-section scars did.

I am also starting to note a visible improvement in the stretch marks since using the Bio-Oil. I'm so happy because my upper abs and the skin there feel like pre-pregnancy in my 20s - no stretch marks there at all. The stretch marks that were there have been pulled down to my lower tum but they are nowhere near as bad as the ones that were cut away.

My tummy button is fab now but the first couple of days it looked like something out of a horror movie!

And what was the thigh lift like? I can imagine that being more painful because of having to sit and lie on the wounds.

Sorry to hear your PCT wouldn't help you. It really is a postcode lottery isn't it.

Anyway hun, let me know what you think of my pics. :)

Hey, Poppy. :)

Thanks so much for letting me see your pics. The transformation is amazing!! I can't believe how tiny your waist is - you really do look as though you're in a completely different body!

I've just PM'd you the links to my pics, so let me know what you think! I'll take a couple after posting this, so you can see what my scar looks like. I'm currently looking a few pounds heavier after an indulgent Christmas, but hey-ho - i'll sort that in January, as I have over the past few years!
I must admit that, despite all my good intentions, i've been a little slack on the Bio-Oil front - i've probably used it a few times a week, rather than a couple of times a day, as I originally planned. I think my scarring's looking really good, though. It's still a tad red in parts, but it's faded right down in others. It's not at all raised either, so I reckon it'll be barely noticeable, given time.

Like you, I had my abdominal muscles stitched back together, so the main thing I still notice now is the numbness which runs from a few inches under my bust, down to around the scar area. I'm sure that'll get better over time though, and it's no big deal.

To be honest, the thigh-lift was a breeze compared to the tummy-tuck. I had surprisingly little pain with either (nothing like I was expecting!), but was a bit taken-aback by how debilitated the tt left me for the first few days. As there was no muscle repair involved in the thigh-lift, I barely even noticed i'd had it done. Saying that though, it didn't heal as rapidly as my stomach, simply because of the strain on the wounds once you get up and moving about. It's only been very recent that the wounds on my thighs (round the inner top, next to the groin) have healed over completely.

It certainly is a postcode lottery. I'm kind of glad with the way it turned out in the end, though. I got 50% off the price of the thigh-lift, as I had both surgeries together (only one anaesthetic, one stay in hospital, etc), so it only wound up costing me a couple of grand more than if i'd had an NHS tt, then a private thigh-lift... if that makes sense. I was also able to choose exactly when I had the surgery (i'm a teacher, so wanted it at the start of the summer hols, so I wouldn't need to take time off work), and the hospital was amazing - like being in a posh hotel!

I'll get onto those scar pics now...

Jo x

Wow Jo! Have just seen your pics and I have to say, your scar is so neat and what a huge improvement. You must be over the moon. I'd love to see how it's looking after 5 months (excuse me if I'm being cheeky) ;)

You must have been in a lot of pain having both procedures done at the same time. Worth it now though hey? You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned in Lou's post about just wanting to feel normal. Its a horrid feeling when you look in the mirror and your face doesn't match your body isn't it.

I've just taken some pics, and have PMd you the link! No worries about being 'cheeky'. ;)

Thank you for your kind comments. :) The difference in the way I feel about myself now is quite amazing. Yes - it's not about being vain, as far as i'm concerned, but simply about wanting to look (and feel) normal.

Definitely worth it!!

Jo x
Hi all sorry i've not posted much lately, i managed to get a couple of pics when my dressings were being changed yesterday, i've posted them along with the pics of the surgeons markings. Your looking great PP.:D Hope you all had a lovely christmas and have a great New Year. :)
Tc xx
Hi all sorry i've not posted much lately, i managed to get a couple of pics when my dressings were being changed yesterday, i've posted them along with the pics of the surgeons markings. Your looking great PP.:D Hope you all had a lovely christmas and have a great New Year. :)
Tc xx

Linda the transformation is amazing! You must be ecstatic with the results. The scar looks so straight and neat and your belly button - wow! Can't wait to see after your bruising and swelling has settled. No wonder you felt like you'd been hit by a bus at first, it does look very sore. How are you feeling now?
Thanks Jax honey. Did you have a nice Christmas? My mum tells me WW introduced an updated system just before Christmas. Have you been doing it? Might have to sneak a peak at some of her books. I did a bit of WW years ago and always think in terms of WW points about my food which definitely helps with maintaining.
Chrimbo was good - have three girls; was fab watching their faces light up as they opened their prezzies. Yes WW have got a new system havent seen it myself as sticking with old one as it works and I dont go to meetings preferring the home alone system with minis for support. Have heard that after all the WW hype it was a bit of a let down generally and not a lot changing - apparently it encourages you to fill up on the core foods i.e. jacket potatoe rather than a bar of chocolate - not exactly rocket science!

Anyways popped in to wish you a Happy New Year - hope you manage to enjoy it under the circumstances hun. I hope 2009 brings with it all that you could wish for xxx
Hi PP thanks, i am pleased so far just feel pot bellied tho with all the swelling. was told it could take upto at least 3 months before seeing what size i will settle at but it's all worth it, i just can't wait to put on proper clothes and be able to stand up straight lol Getting there. Had my first shower today aswell aww how gd did it feel. I may be stone cold sober this New Year but at least i smell gd :p
Wish u all a great New Year :D
Tc xx
:confused: Wow! I've just received a negative on my reputation for my first post on this thread which has really suprised me but I guess that's just proof of the controversy caused by NHS tummy tucks. It's a shame the person that disagrees was not happy to leave a comment or their name or even post on here about what it is they disagree with. Oh well. I've had lots of positive private messages about the thread as well as several pos reps and so I know it's helped a handful of others which is all that counts.


Just looked over the reputation you received.

I believe it possibly came up Gray? This happens when a new member with 0 reputation gives you rep, its not negative in any way.

Chrimbo was good - have three girls; was fab watching their faces light up as they opened their prezzies. Yes WW have got a new system havent seen it myself as sticking with old one as it works and I dont go to meetings preferring the home alone system with minis for support. Have heard that after all the WW hype it was a bit of a let down generally and not a lot changing - apparently it encourages you to fill up on the core foods i.e. jacket potatoe rather than a bar of chocolate - not exactly rocket science!

Anyways popped in to wish you a Happy New Year - hope you manage to enjoy it under the circumstances hun. I hope 2009 brings with it all that you could wish for xxx

Hi Both

My mums a weight watcher so was telling me all about the new plan over xmas.

Jax is right it's basically a combination of points and core - they discovered that people were scared of core because there was no portion control and on points in theory you could eat three mars bars a day and that's it so they have combined the two where they encourage you to eat core food but you point it so you get an idea of portion control.

As jax says not rocket science at all. People most unhappy are the core followers who liked that because they didn't have to weigh, measure, work out points etc

When I lost the bulk of my weight two and a half years ago (6 stone) i followed core and found it brilliant - I followed it for a year and was a real advocate - not a fan of having to weigh, measure and track - i get bored.

That's what I'm going to use to keep my weight off once I lose this last stone - eat as a core follower at home with healthy fresh food choices and then when I'm out and about with friends or family I will eat (and drink) whatever I want. I think on balance that'll keep my weight off.

Apparently Slimming World has a new plan as well which I'm dying to find out about as that was similar to core with eating as much as you wanted but only of certain foods depending on if you were having a red or green day.

happy new year to you both - Poppy enjoy your new body and the fab clothes you can now wear. Jax - you're doing brilliantly keep it up and looking forward to following your journey
i am hoping i get my tummy tuck

hi there i am new on here my name is shelly and i am 25 and i have 4 children and i have a husband . and at the min i am waiting to go to addenbrooke's hospital for an appointment on the 9th jan and was wanting to know what is going to happen .as it is an appointment with a mr price and was wanting to know if anyone has been the for a tummy tuck and if they have been seen by mr price also .
Hi Shelly, I had my tt done at the Golden Jubilee in Clydebank. I was first refered tomy local hospital by my Gp where i was assesed by a nurse and a phycologist who both agreed i was a candidate for a tt and refered me on to see a PS at the same hospital who had the final descission and he also agreed i met the criteria, but he wanted me to stop smoking completely before he put me on the list so gave me 12 wks to stop. I stoped that same day so by the time i seen him again i had been smoke free for 12 wks so was put on the list yeeehaaa. From there i would have had the surgery within 18 wks but i was going on holiday so posponed being put on the list for a month. I then got an appointment to go see the surgeon that would do my surgery at the Golden Jubilee had my Pre-op assesment that day too with nurse then had my op 10 wks later on the 19th Dec 08. I don't know if this helps as i am from a different council but any questions i'd be pleased to answer. Gd luck and happy new year.
hi well i went to my gp and then i had a letter to say make an appointment with the sp team and that is on the 9th jan next friday and i have not been to see any other ppl so i hope it get's do soon lol as off on my honeymoon in june but it will be two year's after we got marryed as was pg when i got marryed .
Gd Luck on Friday Shelly hope all goes well and your ready for that bikini come june :D
hi all, sorry for not posting over the xmas break
With 4 kids xmas here really is non stop though lol

Hope everyone that has had there ops are healing well and good luck to everyone waiting on there appointments/op dates!!!

kids are back at school tomorrow so i'll be able to find a bit more time to catch up with you all and take my almost 6wk post op pics (wow wheres the time gone!!)

hi there i am new on here my name is shelly and i am 25 and i have 4 children and i have a husband . and at the min i am waiting to go to addenbrooke's hospital for an appointment on the 9th jan and was wanting to know what is going to happen .as it is an appointment with a mr price and was wanting to know if anyone has been the for a tummy tuck and if they have been seen by mr price also .

Hi Shelly. I had my TT done at Addenbrookes but not by Mr Price. I was given a decision at the first consultation. You will be asked about your medical history, weighed, examined, etc. Addenbrookes is a fantastic hospital, very friendly staff. Good luck and let us know how it goes. :)
hi there i am new on here my name is shelly and i am 25 and i have 4 children and i have a husband . and at the min i am waiting to go to addenbrooke's hospital for an appointment on the 9th jan and was wanting to know what is going to happen .as it is an appointment with a mr price and was wanting to know if anyone has been the for a tummy tuck and if they have been seen by mr price also .

Hi Shelly,
Hope all goes well with your appointment on friday. I have an appointment with a PS on weds at Addenbrookes so will keep you posted with it all. Fingers crossed for us both xx
Hope you have been recovering well Poppy. I must keep posting as would love to have a look at your piccies.
Take care xxx
thank's for to all of you that have wished me luck . i really getting to the point i want the appointment to be as soon as pos like i wish it was tomorrow lol i am one of these ppl that really can't wait for thing's lol .kezzak i hope all go's well for you . finger's crossed for you.