Oh I'm dying to reply Lou! Thanks for the quick reply to my update. I'm bored as hell in bed so the company is very much appreciated.

Yes I was in for 3 nights. They predicted it would probably be this because I'm only in my early 30s and in good health.
They did warn me about the drains at the first consultancy and the pre-op assessment so no suprise there. They said I would definitely have them but couldn't predict whether I'd be going home with them in or not.
The drains come in the form of two pipes stitched into two small incisions in my skin, below the main incision. They have these little bag things attached to them that draw the blood and fluid out by vaccum.
They are to stop fluid and blood collecting. I assume it is procedure to have them. You might want to ask your surgeon about it.
I think the feeling down bit was caused by the general anaesthetic which is pretty common whatever op you've had. I've been under general 3 other times before the TT and felt depressed and nauseous with all of them. Be prepared for that and try and remind yourself if it happens that it will soon pass.
It's also good to remind yourself that the TT itself is just the first step to your improved tummy. Prepare yourself that you won't see the end result straight away. You should see a definite improvement though.
I think I felt a bit Frakenstein Monster-ish at first because the scar is so big but I was prepared for that and can put that down to feeling down because of the anaesthetic because even though I'm hobbling and all bound up, I've seen my flat tummy and it's already such a massive improvement.
The disfigurement has been removed and I feel so relieved. I'm sure you will get the same feeling. As long as you don't go in expecting the tummy of a 20 year old fitness freak I reckon you'll be over the moon.

A little bit of expectation can't hurt though. You're having a major op and paying a lot of money so you should expect a good result. Just be realistic about it and you'll be fine.
I didn't get lipo because the NHS don't do that. My surgeon did inform me at the first consultation that he couldn't do anything for my 'muffin tops'. My words not his! Lol.
But even though I have a bit of a problem area there, it's nowhere near in the same league as my stretched tummy was (wow - it feels so strange to refer to it in past tense)! So I think I can work on that area a bit with some exercise and diet. I don't know if some is down to sag so we'll have to see.
Yes they did mention about my abs before the op. They examined my belly and said they thought I would benefit from it but they wouldn't know for sure until they had made the incision and had a look under there. I woke up feeling tender in my upper abs so I knew they had done it and then they confirmed they had when they came to see me on the ward. They referred to it as rectiplication. I think some refer to it as abdominal wall contouring. All they do is give you a few stitches to weave the upper abs back together where they slacken after childbirth so it's worth asking your surgeon about it.
The weight of the skin and fat removed was their measurment of it itself when removed. I hoped for more at first but not bothered now. I really do need to stop being so scale-crazy!
Thanks Muppet! Come back and have a look when I get my post op healing process pics up.
