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NHS Tummy Tuck Diary (Pics Included)

Hiya girls! I've got a bit of info for those that are going in for a TT soon. My period was due on 29th Nov and I'm usually like clockwork with mine but it has still not arrived. I've found out that it's pretty normal for the op to knock you off cycle so if this happens to you don't worry. :)
Hi poppypoo congrats on your TT!
Glad to hear it all went well, would love to see your before and after pics if i can
I'll be posting mine tonight or tomorrow

I had my TT the day after you and am finding the recovery not to bad so far
The drains were the worst part IMO, everytime i moved they pinched/pulled and getting them out was agony, once they were out though i felt alot better in myself and much more comfortable

Not enjoying wearing the compression garment at all (i don't do discomfort very well lol) but i guess it's a small price to pay!

Hope you make a quick recovery

sam xx
Hiya girls! I've got a bit of info for those that are going in for a TT soon. My period was due on 29th Nov and I'm usually like clockwork with mine but it has still not arrived. I've found out that it's pretty normal for the op to knock you off cycle so if this happens to you don't worry. :)

This could be very good news for me - next due on on xmas day (and like you i'm like clockwork) so a few days delay would be lovely - see everything is just destined (or maybe I'm just so excited I can find the positive in everything :8855:)
Thanks hun! Have added you to my contacts so you can have a look as my album is set to private. Just click on my albums link. :)

Thanks PoppyPoo!

You look fantastic...I am amazed!

Your side on view made me gasp! Absolutely pancake flat!!! :eek:

I am now more determined than ever and I am going back to see my GP.....My apron is much floppier and lower than yours was and looks dreadful....seeing your after pictures has made me cry....I bet you are totally elated and feel complete now....that feeling is what I want and need!

I am really happy for you....you are doing really well!

Thanks for sharing!

Lisa xx
Hi poppypoo congrats on your TT!
Glad to hear it all went well, would love to see your before and after pics if i can
I'll be posting mine tonight or tomorrow

I had my TT the day after you and am finding the recovery not to bad so far
The drains were the worst part IMO, everytime i moved they pinched/pulled and getting them out was agony, once they were out though i felt alot better in myself and much more comfortable

Not enjoying wearing the compression garment at all (i don't do discomfort very well lol) but i guess it's a small price to pay!

Hope you make a quick recovery

sam xx

Hi Sam! I totally agree about the drains. Was definitely glad to see the back of those!!!

As for the compression garment, I wear firm control pants too and every now and again I give myself a bit of relief and undo my abdobinder thing while I'm lying down. The relief is amazing!

But you're so right - it is a small price to pay so we can't complain. :)

I'll add you now so you can view my pics. Let me know when you post yours so I can have a peek.

We're TT buddies! ;)
This could be very good news for me - next due on on xmas day (and like you i'm like clockwork) so a few days delay would be lovely - see everything is just destined (or maybe I'm just so excited I can find the positive in everything :8855:)

Yes I must admit - I was worried at first but when realised it's normal saw it as a godsend! ;)
Thanks PoppyPoo!

You look fantastic...I am amazed!

Your side on view made me gasp! Absolutely pancake flat!!! :eek:

I am now more determined than ever and I am going back to see my GP.....My apron is much floppier and lower than yours was and looks dreadful....seeing your after pictures has made me cry....I bet you are totally elated and feel complete now....that feeling is what I want and need!

I am really happy for you....you are doing really well!

Thanks for sharing!

Lisa xx

Awwww hun! Thanks for the lovely comments and hope you get yours sorted too.
Photos updated again girls if anyone wants to look. I'm now 1 week post-op and it only seems like yesterday! Can't wait to see everyone else's that are being done soon.
I've put weight on!!! Gutted because I thought I might have lost a few pounds not gained any. TOTM has finally arrived though so could be that and the fact that I've been in bed all week. Can't wait to be doing normal activities again. :(
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Hiya girls! Day 9 post-op pics added. My scar seems to have changed a fair bit over the past couple of days. I suppose where scabs have fallen off.
Hiya girls! Day 9 post-op pics added. My scar seems to have changed a fair bit over the past couple of days. I suppose where scabs have fallen off.

Your looking fantastic!!!
my pics are in my album if your interested :)
Your looking fantastic!!!
my pics are in my album if your interested :)

Wow! What a transformation! You must be over the moon hun. I'm lost for words I really am. How do you feel?

I'm still quite lethargic - needing to take afternoon naps. I've been getting up to walk around the house and attempt light tasks but it really takes it out of me and I need to sit down for a rest quite quickly. I'm so eager to be back to normal so I can start exercising again. I'm quite worried about gaining weight.
Wow! What a transformation! You must be over the moon hun. I'm lost for words I really am. How do you feel?

I'm still quite lethargic - needing to take afternoon naps. I've been getting up to walk around the house and attempt light tasks but it really takes it out of me and I need to sit down for a rest quite quickly. I'm so eager to be back to normal so I can start exercising again. I'm quite worried about gaining weight.

Thanks, feeling a little bit surreal atm and find myself looking at my stomach and thinking wow is that mine!

It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but its so much better than it was before and i no longer have to deal with the sores under my apron or the infections i constantly got in my belly button so i'm over the moon

I'm a little bit worried about weight gain to due to the lack of exercise (especially with the festive period approaching!)
So i'm trying to be extra good and watch what i eat.

My consultants advised me that i can start with light exercise at 10 wks post op and it seems like a life time away!
How long were you advised to refrain from exercise?

Still finding myself lethargic alot to, which isn't being helped by the fact i'm finding it hard to sleep at night because i'm so uncomfortable in my binder.
Hoping it'll get better soon though.

Hope you feel more normal and less lethargic soon

Hi Poppy your looking great, i am worried now about putting on weight again after my op as i will be 6 days post op on xmas and don't want to be lying about putting on weight :(
Your doing great tho :D

Hi Bluehail too it would be great to see your pics too if i could, i'm so excited about mine it can't come quick enough.

Hi Bluehail too it would be great to see your pics too if i could, i'm so excited about mine it can't come quick enough.


I've sent you a friend request so you can see them
Good luck with your op

Hi Sam thanks for adding me and letting me view your pics they are amazing what a difference you must be ecstatic with the results. If i can get results like that i will be very happy as my tummy is very similar to yours although i haven't had as big a weight loss, you done fantastic to lose that amount of weight, well done :D

Look forward to letting yourself and Poppy see my results hopefully as good as both of yours. I can't wait to be in the team :p

Not long now Linda! :)

I've been trying not to worry about gaining weight especially because you shouldn't be in calorie defecit when healing from a major op that leaves you with such a big scar. It's so hard though. More so because I hoped to initially lose some when they cut the skin and fat away but there was only a pound and a half. :/

I'm now just trying to focus on being well and having the energy in the new year to start exercising again.

I had to go back to hospital yesterday because on Friday night my tummy took on the appearance of a water bed. It swelled up and if you pressed one side a wave would wash over to the other side! Bizarre! no additional pain or anything. I rang the ward and spoke to a doctor that said not to worry as a fluid collection after an op like this is normal. I went back to the ward on Saturday (yesterday) and the doctor stuck a huge needle in my belly and sucked 75ml of fluid out. Ewww! He said I may get more but it should go away of its own accord and its nothing to worry about.
Thanks Emma! :)
Hi Poppy that doesn't sound too pleasant about the fluid build up. Glad your doing well otherwise. The weight will sort itself out when you are more mobile, thats what i'm telling myself too so if i put a little on over xmas it's not gonna let it get me down. You just concentrate on getting well and enjoy xmas time.
