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Night out!!

mamma mia

New Member
I am going on a night out with the girls end of March (I know it ages away) however not sure what I will be able to drink as we are doing a bit of a pub to pub venture any suggestions please:)
Cheers Lynn xx

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At just over two months out why not call your surgeon and ask what they think
Yeah will do just wondered if any of you guys had any suggestions.

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i go to darts on a thursday but only drink water :( boring i know but safe i'm only 9 weeks on monday xx
i've never had a fruit shoot but i thought they were full of sugar or can you get sugar free coz i only have tea or water and to be honest could do with a change :)
well as i found out tonight he pub i went to stocked fruit shoots but not the nas ones... so i stuck to bottled water with a slice of lemon... but a friend suggested next time we go out to take in a small bottle a bit of nas squash and i can add it to my bottled water xx
i remember the days when i used to take a small bottle of vodka in my bag and add it to diet coke (sigh) :) ah well water and nas it is then xx
is there any set time that we are 'allowed' to drink again???? I am planning a trip to Royal Ascot in June and though I doubt I will manage champagne due to the gas but thought I might like a couple of glasses of wine throughout the day :) xxx
i honestly don't know :) it says on the sheets alcohol is allowed and gives amounts and cals etc but doesn't say when :) i suppose we can't even have wine and soda because of the bubbles either :( you'd think six months we should be able to have something not too strong xx
i got told i was allowed to drink alchol after 3 months, can we ever drink gasy things ?? x
not as far as i know :) i know some people will say they do but i think officially the answer is no x
we were advised no alcohol for a year, and no gassy drinks ever! My friend had a bypass in November and had 2 glasses of wine at Christmas and was fine though. I am going to wait the year, drink doesn't bother me anyway and it's a lot of empty calories.
I remember querying if I could drink ever again at my consultation and was told guiness, wine and spirit with coke etc as it is sipped slowly but just not sure how soon but will ask at my check-up she will think I'm a bloody alchoholic lol xx

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I was told no alcohol for 3 months and maybe eventually fizzy pop as long as its diet, my auntie is 6 mths post bypass and can drink anything fizzy now with no problems xx