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NINE stone gone

Hi guys

Sorry I have updated for two weeks but work has been crazy and I have been exhausted and didnt have the time or energy to get on here which frustrates me.

I lost 2 pound last week and 2 pound this week making the lost a total of nine stone and god am I feeling good.
Wowee, that is so fantastic, well done you, you must be so proud of yourself, and you deserve it, wonderful news xxxxx
wow well done x
Another six pound gone this week, which I am really happy with. I have made more of a conscious effort this week to eat three (some days two) proper meals and not as many snacks. I am also starting walking up the steps at the station instead of using the lift which adds to my exercise as it is 49 steps morning and evening.
Well done on the fab losses. Wow 9 stones gone that it bloody amazing x
Wowee what a brilliant weight loss, well done.
WHOOOOOOO well done you, remember back at the begining i told you you would be taking the steps and not the lift before you knew it :p

We need to have another chill out session at my place if you john and Roch can find some time.
well done hun
Brilliant loss Michelle, i won't recognise you if i see you again :) xx
WHOOOOOOO well done you, remember back at the begining i told you you would be taking the steps and not the lift before you knew it :p

We need to have another chill out session at my place if you john and Roch can find some time.

That sounds like fun. Next challenge is to walk to harrow some day and meet you for coffee. It will have to be a bit cooler than this though :)
Another 3 pound this week, which is the weight loss for two weeks as I didnt weigh myself last week as I was in Ireland.

I dont like to give myself targets but this week I want to lose 5lb as it is my six month anniversary in 8 days time and I really would like to have hit the 10 stone loss by then
EB you are doing fan chuffing tastic! Awesome!