No regrets!!
Sorry Caren , I misread your post. Ok then GP needs to work out a way of getting you an appeal process going. I will keep everything crossed for you love xx
thank you xxxSorry Caren , I misread your post. Ok then GP needs to work out a way of getting you an appeal process going. I will keep everything crossed for you love xx
Thanks Jo, you're right, its a no go, and there isnt a criteria with no co morbs xxxEven with your doc putting them straight, fact is (I'm guessing) if you don't meet criteria then it's a no go. It will destroy you more getting your hopes built up to be dashed again so great that you're thinking wisely. are you far off getting your bmi up high enough to not need the co morbidities? such a shame when you're here day in day out sharing everyone else's journeys....almost like a slap in the facexx
dont it suck? not sure i can take much more of all this emotionJust ((((((((HUGS)))))))) sweetie, i totally get how you feel, as you know as i am in the same boat, sigh:sigh::sigh: xx
no honey, i dont fit the criteria, end of xxCan PALS Not help?? Xx
Caren said:hello everyone, I managed to get hold of the pct today and she said that my funding has been declined as my doctor has not stated that my sleep apnoea is severe, and he hasnt said that ive done 6 months weight management. Well i'm going to see my doc to see what we can do, but my sleep apnoea is mild :cry:
dont it suck? not sure i can take much more of all this emotion
yeah ive thought of the abroad route, i dunno, maybe i'll just eat myself to death lol :17729:Yes, it totally sucks. I saw you mention in another thread about how emotional it is, and whether you should give up on the idea all together. I am feeling like this too. I know i talk about going abroad for surgery, but in reality, i REALLY cant afford it. I am scared stiff of getting myself in a mess financially (single mum of 2, huge mortgage, one child to go to uni in 2 years time etc etc), and question whether i am being silly by even considering surgery abroad. I so wish i could stick to an ordinary diet:cry::cry::sigh::sigh::sigh: xxx