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not dumping - regurgitating!

lol I am back to normal now well as normal as can be for me...but I knew when I was eating it that it was far too hot to chew so I swallowed it!!! Not a clever move I have to say...xx
hope ur ok soon, and if anyone can help...its Mr A x x x
Chuckles well as i said Mr A is not my surgeon and as i suspected they contacted Mr Mannur, he has said it is my gallbladder and it HAS to come out. I am now back on fluids for a few days to see if i can keep that down. If not i have to let them know and go and see Mr Mannur. I have an appointment booked at my surgery so i can tear a strip off someone for losing all the contact details and failing to refer me to Hommerton so Mr Mannur can remove it.
Crikey, that sounds like a pretty horrible week or two. I hope you get it sorted soon tendersage, I know gallstones can be an added complication after surgery but I wasn't aware that it could have this effect so I have learned something new and will hope that I don't have to go through the same in the future.

Anyway, the very best of luck and I hope you are fighting fit again soon. :)
Thanks James, they now have me on anti-sickness tabs which are working some of the time so i am keeping food down, but 400-500 calories a day aint enough somehow i need to increase it. I have an appointment with my dietitian on the 24th if i have not managed to increase it considerably by then i will have tyo have a long conversation with him about it (unless i call him before)
I've not had any problems with regurgitating but I do sometimes have trouble swallowing food if it's too dry, no matter how much it's chewed and salivated on!

As to the gallstones thing, did you not have your gall bladder removed when you had your op? I think it's standard practice for them to remove it where I had my op.

Hope you feel better soon *hugs*
No was not removed during the op, has to come out now though. are you aware that the removal of the gallbladder increases the possability of a person putting weight on?
No was not removed during the op, has to come out now though. are you aware that the removal of the gallbladder increases the possability of a person putting weight on?

Hmm, no. I didn't know that. But iirc they take it out because it was found there is a higher chance of gallstones after the operation. But still, the weight is coming off. Off for my weigh-in at lunchtime.
ohh i bet you are pleasantly surprised at how much you have lost scott, keep us up to date :) i weight myself i have only had two weight in's at the clinic since my op, mostly due to the complications i have had.
ohh i bet you are pleasantly surprised at how much you have lost scott, keep us up to date :) i weight myself i have only had two weight in's at the clinic since my op, mostly due to the complications i have had.

Hrm, well according to the Boots scales, I'm only down 1 pound. But it could be cos the scales I used last Wednesday week were the ones at the hospital at my checkup. And I'm more active now being back at work so muscle mass could (finally) be on the up again. Good job I haven't gone to the gym yet cos I could end up putting on weight lol.
Hi Tendersage, I hope you feel better soon. Really sympathise with you re. Gallstones. My sister and I both had to have our gallbladders removed in our 20's (it runs in the family). I asked to keep mine (the stone) - it is as big as a quails egg, I keep it on a shelf for people to admire (or grimace over if they too have gallstones).
Thanks jenni its just a matter of waiting for my appointment at hommerton, which hopefully will not take long. I have good days and bad days plus need to increase my daily intake otherwise i will be subject to all the colds/flus that run around london
No was not removed during the op, has to come out now though. are you aware that the removal of the gallbladder increases the possability of a person putting weight on?

There is no medical evidence to support this. It is generally thought that any weight gain is because patients go back to eating food with a high fat content as the no longer have the pain eating fatty foods causes as a deterrnt.
This is interesting for me as I know from an abdominal scan that I have some degree of gallstones. I will mention this when I next speak to a member of the surgical team, because I never thought about it being a problem but it seems sometimes it is.
There is no medical evidence to support this. It is generally thought that any weight gain is because patients go back to eating food with a high fat content as the no longer have the pain eating fatty foods causes as a deterrnt.

This makes a lot of sense. xx