I must say rudders, I am finding it very difficult to imagine myself slimmer - I have always been big (well since I had my tonsils out at the age of 3), I have never lost weight, have only just gone up and up!! I have no different sized clothes in my wardrobe that I 'will be able to get back into', so I am really looking forward to getting some new clothes in smaller sizes - and can't wait for the day when I can go into 'an ordinary' shop and buy clothes!!!! (I haven't bought any new clothes for a while as I knew I was having this op and didn't want to waste money) I have had money and vouchers from family for Christmas so I can go clothes shopping!!!!
I am glad I'm not the only one who likes to feel 'clean' !!!! I have at least 1shower everyday, I couldn't stand the thought that I might smell !!! I find slim people don't really understand, I guess it's cause the stereotype of 'a fat person' is being lazy and smelly and I don't want to be that!!!!
Can I ask what op you had? I'm having a sleeve. I'm nervous about the op - mainly that I won't wake up!!!! I have a hubby and two children 8yrs and 5yrs, and don't want "to leave them", I am also a bit worried about the pain afterwards - I don't think I have a very high pain threshold!!! But I am expecting pain and to feel rough for a good few days - and expecting not to be able to shower for at least a day - that worries me the most!!! Hehehehe xx