Ah that's all sounding great! 24th will be here before you know it. Did they mention when funding is decided? That's the only thing that is worrying me.
So what bloods do you need before your appointment then? X
Hi Sunshine100 sorry i've not replied sooner. Yes I'm looking forward to my appointment

On Tuesday and Wednesday I got my bloods taken at the blood test clinic at southtyneside hospital (lucky for me i live next to it

) I should get my results by wednesday, I hope my G.P will give me a copy. (at the seminar, they said to get a copy of results to take to your 1st appointment, as sometimes it's a pain for them to rely on gp to fax the results on to them.) The blood tests i had taken were for day 1: glucose, lipids,thyroid,liver,u+e,fbc,cholesterol,bone panel. Then day 2 was another glucose both sets of tests are fasting tests so nothing to eat for at least 12 hours before the tests....If you are diabetic then the tests are the same but instead of the glucose test you have a hba1c test and you only have to do day one tests....I just booked my tests with my gp, told me to go to one of the drop in blood clinics.
Sorry I can't remember what they said about funding, the whole seminar was a overload of info.. i think the will decide after your 1st appointment, i think they said something about a meeting. I hope we get funding:sigh: I can't see why they won't, I have a BMI of 55 and I want to do exactly what the dr tells me, i hate milk but I'm weaning myself on it because i know i'll have to do that milk diet ...lol
Not long now for your seminar.