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Now officially a pre opper after my visit to chichester


New Member
So yesterday I had my mdt at st Richards chichester I saw all the team then went back at 2 whilst I sat there 4 people were called into see the dietician for there milk diet and I was left sitting there with 3 other lady's so I assumed that we all didn't meet criteria or whatever for a bypass I was gutted and just wanted to go the guy somers walks out of his room and calls my name as I walked in I thought do I really want to hear him telling me why I can't have a bypass for him to magically tell me the team was happy for me to have a bypass I was ecstatic so got my white book with the pre and post op diets so am very pleased
Well done Samy... It's a brilliant feeling isn't it :D

Welcome to the waiting bench:talk017: x
Yay good for you, Guy Slater is a fantastic surgeon, my real life saver. Well done and keep us updated :) x
Another vote for Guy here and the team at St Richards. Congrats on starting the process, the only way is down (on the scales!!!!)
i remember that feeling well when guy said i could have a bypass! feels so long ago. good luck :) he is doing mine on the 19th feb !! xx
:Dcongratulations to you and funky 24!

I have to say your are in very very good hands, The big man is a life saver in more ways then one....as some people know i have suffered a complication & i do not hold Mr Slater responsable in the least, my body just didn't like being altered, but one thing has remained the same, the care and support from this man is 2nd to none, everytime he was in the hospital he would come in and check on me & treat me with such respect, i get excited when i see his face appear on the ward as i know everythings going to be alright, my husband says i fancy him but its not like that although he is very well spoken and good looking lol, its just his genuine care to help you through the good and bad times xxx you are both in really good hands x
Awww that's really reassuring thank you obviously I'm a bit worried as I have never had an operation but just reading that makes me feel better :)
Yay, really pleased for you xx
Great news!! I'm soo excited for you :)