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Obesity: Fat People Could Face Benefit Cuts

If the system is easy to abuse, people will abuse it regardless of whether they are obese, alcohol dependent or drug dependent. The system is too easy to abuse that's what's wrong, not the millions on benefits who have discovered the countless loopholes that enable them to abuse it.
Some of these newspaper articles make my blood boil! They seem hell bent on portraying all those claiming benefits as unworthy. When they pick on a fat claimant they should at least be able to provide their medical notes and a report from their GP to back-up the story that they're 'swinging the lead'.
I think certain newspapers would only be happy to see workhouses introduced for all but the bedridden.
These articles always seem to attract the self righteous who believe that 90% of those on benefits ought to pull their socks up and get a job.
There are so many sad, judgmental and bigoted idiots out there that believe that it is their high moral fiber and inner strength, that renders them immune to becoming obese, anorexic, alcoholic or mentally ill etc. ...or even the infamous bad back! They love to give the impression that their only purpose in life is to work and pay tax solely out of a sense of civic mindedness and any financial gain is merely secondary.

To balance things out a little and free up room in the gym, perhaps those with anorexia could be banned from exercise completely. Two birds with one stone; everyone's happy.

With more clever ideas like this, the NHS would be free to deal only only nice people and their genuine complaints and avoid wasting time on those nasty people with self inflicted illness due to they lack of moral fiber.
Whatever system is in place people will find a way around it. When my daughter who was not living at home was a victim of domestic violence we had a heck of a job getting her any help. It took concerted effort on my part to get her what she was entitled to. I fear a lot of folk just give up at that stage. Even then we had to supplement her and pay bills to keep her afloat.

I honestly think that the newspapers whip people up and encourage people to think that those on benefits are scroungers and lay abouts, while there will be some of those the bulk will be decent, fat or thin people trying to survive hard times.
If they are cutting benefits to make over weight people exercise they also need to make smokers quit or cut benefits and people who drink more than recommended attend AA. It's ridiculous. Someone on here made a very valid point that over weight people are portrayed as lower class and uneducated. I have two degrees, have a good job with a company car and a nice house (although it is rented) and I'm FAT! Are they therefore going to penalise me as well...maybe charge me a fat arse tax? The government should try concentrating on re coupling money they have a squandered in other ways...not pick on and victimise people. It's bad enough larger people get less respect just because of their size!
I believe the problem is with the way this proposal was reported, not necessarily with the proposal itself, which did include other groups of unhealthy individuals. the idea being to reduce costs to the NHS by focusing on getting people healthier by encouraging exercise. The caveat to this being refusal to comply being a reduction in benefits. Bit big brother, but seriously, if your health allowed would you not at least try free exercise initiatives in order to retain your level of income?