New Member
Can i just clear something up, i said abotu senekot as im slightly bunged up NOT to give my self the squits to cause weightloss im really not that stupid!!!!
As for eating crap, yes i expect im as guilty as the next person for having the odd thing, but i dotn sit there stuffing myself with it. I admitted that before i wasnt eating enough (less then 500ish calories) i thought this was enough, until i was directed in the right direction...
I think also some credit is due to myself with the dress size loss, ok the scales might not been moving at a rapid rate but they are moving. At the start i had to put up with at least 6 weeks worth of infection, so it wasnt a rosey start for me. Im not wanting sympathy abotu that either.
Id love to head to the gym and work out sessions but unfortunaltey i dont have the financial means to do that.
Im not a lard ass who sits arounf doign sweet FA all day either thats for sure.
I never once said you were a lard arse or lazy or anything like that, I also said well done about the coming down in dress sizes. I also know you weren't eating enough as I also replied to that thread. I ate the wrong stuff a few times at the start but soon nipped it in the bud before it got out of hand, I then followed my diet sheet to a T and thats when the weight came off.
I was NEVER having a go at you in any of my previous posts, I can only go by what I read and when you said you will hopefully loose some weight with a senokot what else am I suppose to think?
You dont need money to go out for a walk, walking is the best exercise and if you can afford to go swimming even once a week then go for it.
I have only ever tried to help you, I dont come one here to lecture people or have a go, if thats how it comes across then I dont know what else to say, its very hard sometimes to put into words something you want to say without it coming across as something different!