OMG .... me too !!!! ive been really bad ! cant even keep my medication down... how far post op are you ? im 6 weeks ... ive got tummy pain but i think ive hurt myself being sick ?
You poor things .... I am pre op so probably not much use but until someone more qualified comes along, try to hold a pillow to your stomach & chest if you can to lessen the impact a bit. Hope you soon feel better :wave_cry:
Hi yeah I've got a band of pain going round me & sore all over I've been retching cause there is nothing to come up ... I've caught this bug off a child and I'm ten weeks post op on Thursday xx
Starve the bug but drink as much water as possible to replace precious fluids. I had a bug 3 weeks post op off my niece but starving it deffo hurried it 'bug' off lol. Get well soon xxxxxx
Rainbow27 and Clare* I hope you're feeling completely better very soon.
I caught a bug quite soon post-op too, I think maybe after such a big operation our immune system has taken a knock and we're a little more susceptible to picking things up.
Yeah we are most definitely more susceptable to illnesses our immune system is lower. Im just flu like and weak now better be fit for tmrw im back to work! plenty of rest and fluids.
how are you claire?
You're extremely unlikely to do yourself any damage after 6 weeks, internally you're all healed. Keep taking the fastab/lansoprazole if you're on it as that's the most important when you're being sick.
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