I've had quite a few curries so far - I like them due to the amount of sauce! But I've never really liked anything spicy so I stay safe!
Great lossWell 2lbs off this week - not bad seeing as it's TOTM and I haven't done any exercise! The wife and I have both had stinking colds and not felt like doing anything apart from collapsing on the sofa after work and wallowing. So I'm 1lb off my 5 stone loss! That's more than I ever managed on any of the diets I tried over the years, so I'm really chuffed with that. Had another counselling session last Wednesday - definitely recommend having your brain looked at during this process - I already feel better equipped to deal with food issues, as well as my own other stuff that I didn't realise was affecting me. In other news - our little ginger cat has turned into a voracious hunter and keeps leaving us mice on the stairs. Maybe he thinks I'm not eating enough... thanks kitty(!) I hope you've all had a great week, with some good losses. Keep up the good work!![]()