When my doctor suggested WLS he referred me to Live Well Suffolk, this is known as Tier 2, it's free and run by the council. This programme is to see if you are able to lose weight by sticking to the regime they suggest. I did this, lost 1.5 stones, I was then referred for funding to start the Tier 3 at Addenbrookes in Cambridge. Tier three for me was 6 months as my BMI was 63 and some co-morbidities. For anyone with a BMI under 50 it's twelve months.
For me Tier 3 programme was 8 weeks on the milk diet, the next 8 weeks on milk and food their menus, then 8 weeks on food only, over this period I lost another 5 stone. This was to show them I was committed to losing the weight, keeping it off for me has always been the problem, so I was hoping the op. would give me the help I needed.
Once that part was finished I was then referred for funding again to go to Tier 4, which was at a hospital of my choice, I chose Luton and Dunstable. From finishing Tier 3 to the operation was another 6 months. Altogether my process took 3 years. But I think this helped me mentally to accept the process, I feel that self funders who have not been through WLS programmes have more chance of failing. Luton and Dunstable will not even consider the band now as too many fail with this WLS method.
I had a bypass April 2015, altogether I have lost 11.5 stones and want to lose another 5, it's happening very slowly now but at least it is going in the right direction.
I don't know if the procedure has changed since mine, but please do not think it will happen overnight, be patient, the mental training is the most important part.
Good luck and stick with it, I got really down thinking it would never happen, but it did, and I am so grateful for my doctor suggesting it, I could not walk before always using a mobility scooter, but now I can, not far I must admit, but I feel I am getting my life back.