Committed Weight Loser
Yes thats right Val, I found that pepsi max, new from a bottle fizzes in a way that other fizzy drinks don't do (even normal or diet pepsi don't) LOL as such when the fizz goes around the food, the fizz and the "force" will often bring the food straight back up, but it can come up quite forcefully too and on its own without the food.
I now always keep a bottle unopened in the cupboard, because having had that over restriction and having the need for that pepsi max by god, I ain't going to be without lol
Take it easy over the next day or so, don't hesitate to switch back to liquids to allow it to settle down and liquid ibuprofen if you're able to take it is always handy to have at hand.
hope you're feeling better today!
I can honestly say I truly thought it was a heart attack, the pain was debilitating so much that I could not even talk
I am still very uncomfortable this morning and it even hurt to sip tea...I have decided to phone provider and they are calling back at 11.30 so will see what they say
Surely its not possible for the meat to be totally stuck in the band port is it, because that is what it feels like. no matter how hard I tried the meat would not come up :/