I have to double up all my vits as I too malabsorb. I didn't follow my surgeons advice of taking a daily vits supplement at 4 weeks out and didn't start them until a month later to be exact. I wasn't told to take vit d and was told that I wouldn't get a vit bi12 unless they fell. I wouldn't even be tested until six months out

Big mistake!! At 3 months out everything was either rock bottom or heading that way despite me taking them regularly from 8wks out. It goes without saying I felt and looked utter crap! So for any one out there that thinks they can get away with it don't mess about and follow the rules. Yeah you may be one of the lucky ones but why take that chance? Cat not saying that you haven't as I'm sure you are hun

it's just so easy to get complacent in the first few months.. I was on a high and feeling good with the euphoria of losing weight etc but looking back I on it I was actually crashing and burning at an alarming rate. I truly hope you get things sorted soon hun.. It took me a couple of months to get myself back to norm again.