Ok he's gone now. It was just nice that he accepted me and it wasn't an issue. I forgot about the babydoll!! He just wasn't bothered. And yesterday was so nice walking round like a couple and doing normal things like going to the supermarket and cooking. Not sure we're a couple yet but we might be a step closer. We're relaxed around each other, had a small jokey argument this morning which was good. He does have opinions! Even if they're wrong lol. So we'll see how it goes!
But I see the differences in me compared to my last relationship. We did a lot of walking yesterday, went to a beer garden, and I was happy walking round, parking outside of town and walking in without getting out of breath, sat in beer garden without worrying about the wooden benches. Feeling like a normal person. I'm not going to tell him about my operation at all. He doesn't eat huge portions but grazes mostly, so I was able to eat most of the meals and just not snack, and I was fine. Plus he eats quite healthily so lots of veg which was easy for me to get down. I didn't feel I was an embarrassment to him which I have felt before with previous boys. Really nice!!