More glamour: I have the beginnings of a bed sore
I have no backside any more and on a hard mattress having to lie on my back it's not fun times!! I arranged the duvet under my rear end last night to try and take the pressure off a bit but this morning it's all red and numb and the skin looks to be breaking. Thank goodness my parents have savlon! Going to the nurse tomorrow for a wound check so hopefully I'll be able to get some help but how embarrassing
pretty sure I was this immobile after my bypass but of course I had more padding back then.
Had a terrible night with sore rear end and thigh fire... yesterday was the first time I had worn underwear as many people came round to see me and I went out shopping for the bra. Turns out the underwear I wore, whilst I felt it was great as it added more compression to the belt thing, lay right against the cuts on my hip and irritated my dodgy thigh nerve to no end. I struggled bending and stretching last night and it took me so long to get in and out of bed. Also I only took two codeine all day (still took paracetamol) so I'd had less pain relief.
Today: wearing underwear shorts instead of high legs, back on full pain relief and got the savlon out. Hopefully tonight will be much easier!
Had a terrible night with sore rear end and thigh fire... yesterday was the first time I had worn underwear as many people came round to see me and I went out shopping for the bra. Turns out the underwear I wore, whilst I felt it was great as it added more compression to the belt thing, lay right against the cuts on my hip and irritated my dodgy thigh nerve to no end. I struggled bending and stretching last night and it took me so long to get in and out of bed. Also I only took two codeine all day (still took paracetamol) so I'd had less pain relief.
Today: wearing underwear shorts instead of high legs, back on full pain relief and got the savlon out. Hopefully tonight will be much easier!