Funny enough, i have a friend with it, considering it is so rare and it affects her sight worse than mine esp night driving. I have never had headaches (my doc couldn't believe that) but it originally started with lightening flashes in the side of my vision then progressed to me waking up blind in one eye and the vision would gradually return from like a pinpoint out until it was back to normal.
Like i say, the first time it took about three LPs to get it down and boy, was i sick! Couldnt stand upright for about a week without being sick but after that i've had two more episodes but years apart luckily. I was told overweight and female seems the criteria for BIH but no explanation why. Hormonal would make sense, originally they just treated me with diuretics and told me to go on a diet - and here i am 20 years later about 4 stone heavier than i was then ~sigh~. I'm seeing my friend next week, will pass the info on tho, thanks for posting
Like i say, the first time it took about three LPs to get it down and boy, was i sick! Couldnt stand upright for about a week without being sick but after that i've had two more episodes but years apart luckily. I was told overweight and female seems the criteria for BIH but no explanation why. Hormonal would make sense, originally they just treated me with diuretics and told me to go on a diet - and here i am 20 years later about 4 stone heavier than i was then ~sigh~. I'm seeing my friend next week, will pass the info on tho, thanks for posting