Well-Known Member
We already have 3 cats (2 half persians) and 2 dogs (Shih tzu's x Chinese Crested Powderpuffs) but recently I have been following on FB a charity cat rescue near to where we live. The day before I went for my surgery they posted pictures of 2 persian cats that had been rescued and they needed to rehome.
Well, despite them having an open day on Monday which I couldn't go to, I called them yesterday afternoon, they did a Vet check and less than 4 hours later, we were signing the paperwork.
Leo and his sister Amy are grey persians, 12 years old and their owner was going to have them put to sleep cos she was going into a home
so, they have joined in our family of squashed in faces (the animals that is lol)
And here they are . . .last night, making themselves at home on our leather sofa LOL
Here is Amy
And here is her brother Leo
They are in a bit of a mess, going to need lots of grooming, but I couldn't bare to think of them being put to sleep just cos she couldn't re-home them and most rescue places wouldn't take them because of their age.
So, Amy and Leo.
She gave us a fright today tho cos I couldn't find her and thought she'd escaped. . . .thankfully we managed to find her in a box under the the bed in the spare room. *phew* lol

Well, despite them having an open day on Monday which I couldn't go to, I called them yesterday afternoon, they did a Vet check and less than 4 hours later, we were signing the paperwork.
Leo and his sister Amy are grey persians, 12 years old and their owner was going to have them put to sleep cos she was going into a home
And here they are . . .last night, making themselves at home on our leather sofa LOL
Here is Amy

And here is her brother Leo

They are in a bit of a mess, going to need lots of grooming, but I couldn't bare to think of them being put to sleep just cos she couldn't re-home them and most rescue places wouldn't take them because of their age.
So, Amy and Leo.
She gave us a fright today tho cos I couldn't find her and thought she'd escaped. . . .thankfully we managed to find her in a box under the the bed in the spare room. *phew* lol