Half the man i used to be
Hello everyone, just thought id introduce myself, my name is Jay i'm from Oxford and im considering surgery so i can be there for my 4 year old daughter when she grows up and so i can be healthy. my GP has recently refered me and i have an appointment at the hospital next week. im a bit aprehensive as no idea what they will say or what the appointment will entail. bellow is a sumary of my life and weight, hope it makes interesting reading 
My Weight Journey
1978 - Born 7lbs 4oz :bliss:
1990 - around 7 Stone (average weight) 1991 - Apendix removed :ambulance:
1995 - weight around 17 stone
1996 - Joined Weight watchers got to around 15 stone
1998 - Finished A-Levels Weight 19 stone
2001 - Graduated University, weight balloned to 25 stone :cry:
2002 - Weight 27 stone :cry:back to weight watchers
2004 -25 stone
2007 - GP put me on Reductil for 6 months, and joined gym :character00115:, weight around 26 Stone
2008 - Daughter Born :character00100:weight 28 stone :raincloud: try the Atkins diet then slim fast to no real sucess
2009 - New GP puts me on Orilstat
2010 - weight stabalises on Orilstat to about 26 stone 8lbs
2011 - 2 years on Oristat, GP then refers me to NHS Oxfordshire Weight Loss Lifestyle Course for 12 months
and back to gym :character00115:
2012 (Febuary) Diagnosed with Severe sleep Apnea and High blood pressure
2012 (April) blood test show signs of developing type 2 diabetes but no medication needed yet :faint2:
2012 (October) finish OWLS weight around 27 stone 8lbs :cry: GP reviews me and refers me to specialists for surgery :sign0009:
2012 (November) Appointment at Churchill Hospital Upper GI unit for 22nd November
My Weight Journey
1978 - Born 7lbs 4oz :bliss:
1990 - around 7 Stone (average weight) 1991 - Apendix removed :ambulance:
1995 - weight around 17 stone
1996 - Joined Weight watchers got to around 15 stone
1998 - Finished A-Levels Weight 19 stone
2001 - Graduated University, weight balloned to 25 stone :cry:
2002 - Weight 27 stone :cry:back to weight watchers
2004 -25 stone
2007 - GP put me on Reductil for 6 months, and joined gym :character00115:, weight around 26 Stone
2008 - Daughter Born :character00100:weight 28 stone :raincloud: try the Atkins diet then slim fast to no real sucess
2009 - New GP puts me on Orilstat

2010 - weight stabalises on Orilstat to about 26 stone 8lbs
2011 - 2 years on Oristat, GP then refers me to NHS Oxfordshire Weight Loss Lifestyle Course for 12 months
2012 (Febuary) Diagnosed with Severe sleep Apnea and High blood pressure
2012 (April) blood test show signs of developing type 2 diabetes but no medication needed yet :faint2:
2012 (October) finish OWLS weight around 27 stone 8lbs :cry: GP reviews me and refers me to specialists for surgery :sign0009:
2012 (November) Appointment at Churchill Hospital Upper GI unit for 22nd November