Hi Farzu, hope they are not proper panic attacks as I would not wish them on my worst enemy!
A number of years ago, I was taken ill in a local DIY and I thought I was having a heart attack. The ambulance was called & I was whisked off to Sld hospital. After ECG tests, etc., they told me I had had a panic attack. Not knowing much about them and glad my heart was ok, I left it at that.
Over the next three years, I had approx 3 attacks every day without fail!! It was changing my whole life for the worst. I was actually running out of cinemas, restaurants, etc., in fear of choking or having a heart attack. I even tried getting out of a car passenger door at 30mph because I thought I was dying! It was also affecting Bev & the kids because they did not know what was going to happen next! The doctor prescribed Inderal tablets (ACE prohibitors) which calmed me down nicely but hardly slowed the amount of attacks.
I also went to M.I.N.D sessions with people who had similar fears, 6 weeks with a psycologist, still no good!
Eventually I was sent to Sld Old Royal Infirmary to see the Head Physio!! She told me exactly the problem and helped me stop the attacks.
The problem was a form of stress, 3 weeks before the first attack I had lost my job through Osteo Arthritis after 20yrs continious work. This she believed was the cause and that she had numerous people in similar positions who she had diagnosed!
The answer was deep breathing exercises and learning to control my breathing when I felt an attack coming on. It took a few months but it gradually reduced the attacks to nil.
Even now, 20yrs later, I still get the occasional 'feeling', but I put the breathing into practice and it goes.
One thing that still does seem to trigger these 'feelings' is the lights in big stores like B & Q, Asda, etc.
This evidently relates to when I had the very first attack and my brain reacts to this 'trigger'.
Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but just trying to explain a likely cause & method of dealing with the attacks.
Do try deep breathing exercises, it did obviously work for me.
Best of luck - Paul xx