New Member
Hi all,
Can you tell me if a PCT decision on funding goes to the board every time. My doctor sent off the letter asking for funding to them on the 20th May and I have discovered they had their 2 monthly meeting on the 19th May to discuss whatever it is they discuss. Does this mean i have to wait 2 months for them to discuss my referrel or is it done without 'going to the board?. Everyone is looking fab by the way

Can you tell me if a PCT decision on funding goes to the board every time. My doctor sent off the letter asking for funding to them on the 20th May and I have discovered they had their 2 monthly meeting on the 19th May to discuss whatever it is they discuss. Does this mean i have to wait 2 months for them to discuss my referrel or is it done without 'going to the board?. Everyone is looking fab by the way