New Member
Just wanted to say hi and dont give up, I experienced a very unprofessional doc/nurse when I was 1 reffered over three yrs ago I told him to stuff it basically. Which now I regret after three more years of health problems and trying to loose weight any which way you can I once again went to my gp for refferal. I did see the same person but it was like he had,had a personality change he said he didnt remember me and tried to convince me I had not seen him that I seen the female version (im not blind or stupid) but I just agreed and smiled was good watching him squirm. anyway to cut a long story short I was put through for surgery and I am now waiting for a gastric sleeve, which I will be most grateful of when it happens. Dont give up keep on fighting hun xx
Thank you
Well apparently I have a while to wait for surgery but they will do other things to help me, Gloucestershire apparently take their time with people as they want to make sure they are ready for what ever help they give them.
I hope you get your help soon