Keza Roo said:Laura you look FAB hun I have been down past few weeks has I am only had my op 14 weeks ago and I have come to a stand still and no matter what I do its not moved but reading what you and everyone has put and seeing your pic has made me more positive bout it all Thank U and WELL DONE XX
Thanks sweetie xxdesperate dieter said:You look amazing Laura, I'm so Jel !
Thereza1111 said:Woww! You look stunning Laura. xx
stuckinafatsuit said:Oh Laura you look amazing, its made me dream about the future, i cant bloody wait
toxingirl said:Seriously Laura, this is a fantastic transformation. You look wonderful and sound so happy too. Well done xx
Even though iv got a few pics dotted all over the place on here iv had a few ppl ask me for a pic so here I go everyone ;-) iv lost almost 11 stone now, this pic was taken wen I had lost 10 stone so lost a bit more since then but it's the newest pic iv got x
DeeKaulfers said:OMG YOU look amazing!!! congrats!you must be so proud! You go! thats awesome
Aww I'm bridesmaid August ;-) thanks for ur lovely MSG my arms have got bingo wings but I'm doin loads to tone them so hopefully it will work I'm doin weights and lots of cardio vascular also the vibro toning plates, well done on ur weight loss that's brillxx