Hi Mazza,
Please can you delete my account fully.
I refuse to be monitored like a child by a Nazi bully who takes her volunteer moderator job so seriously that you make the only regular visitors to this site miserable.
No wonder the visitor numbers have dramatically dropped over the years with someone so controlling and petty calling the shots.
You make the rules up as you go and try your hardest to find fault wherever you can just to make yourself feel worthy and justified. Your life must be so empty for you to have to physically find misery to fill it with and when you can't find it, you cause it.
I know this message won't make it public on the site, your moderating skills will be so hot on form that you will have deleted it so no one will see it and my lovely friends I have made on here won't have to continue to wonder when I can come back on here because I will tell them in our lovely, happy, friendly chat, that we have formed AWAY from this stone-age forum that I have asked for my account to be deleted. I will also send them a copy of what I am sending here, just so they can have a little giggle, or tell me off, I don't know.
You encourage people on here to link their facebook profiles on here, where there are 2 options to do so in the settings, but heaven forbid someone who is WRONGFULLY banned messages you because again, you will hide like the pathetic little troll that you are and give them a highly inaccurate response and then block them there too.
NOWHERE in the rules does it say that posting your OWN phone number is against the rules...go and read them, and then read them again because it definitely doesn't.
Heres some teaching for you...SOLICITING someones information means to trying to OBTAIN other peoples personal information which is not what I did. I invited people to add me on a separate PLATFORM but not on a separate social media/forum. WhatsApp, is something friends have to casually stay in touch...you probably wouldn't know this because I get the impression you don't have a lot of friends...but that's what it is, and thats what I said I would chat to people on away from here. Since people tend to just disappear on here and I guess we now know why...because of you and your little ban hammer.
You said I skirted the rules but it looks like the only person around skirting the rules is you to mould them so they benefit you.
You keep harping on about text talk...Where? You're insulting your active members...No one on here talks in text and I think everyone is friendly and pleasant, apart from you.
I doubt you are in any place to offer any real advice to weight loss surgery patients, since you failed with the band and I'm finding it a breeze. So, its been great, enjoy, and if you decide to resign from your 'oh so regal' position as ghostly forum moderator, I'm sure there are hundreds of successful, friendly, welcoming individuals that would suit the position.
Thank you