I don't normally buy biscuits at home but i'd brought them for the kids to nibble on if they were hungry in the car on our journey... At home i have various flavour rice cakes and usually have a sachet of sugar free angel delight if i'm feeling the need to eat something sweet....
I know it's my heads way of dealing with things and it is going to take a long time to change that. I know i need another habit, and did briefly think about sex rather than biscuits but then realised the impracticalitys of this for a few reasons :-
1. Why should he get a reward cos i'm having a hissy
2. Why should he get a reward cos i'm having a hissy
3. Why should he get.. yeah you got it...
Seriously though prior to this me n himself had wondered over to the service station 'Costa' while the girls (all old enough to be left for half an hour before you all start shouting at the screen) watched tv in our room. I was hoping 20 minutes and a skinny latte later i'd feel much better. However my chilled skinny latte was like sex without an orgasm, did absolutely nothing to make me feel better grrrr.........
However there is a lesson learned, there are 2 packs of demon biscuits left and i'm letting the kids have one if they really want one. When they're gone they won't be replaced... Nor will the nice 'breakfast biscuits' i brought at Asda last night. Statistically not bad, however so nice that one isn't sufficient and thats when things go wrong!
I am deffo on team Tranquil Butterfly, all the way! And on a brighter note when i came back my stall appears to have broken and i was 3lb lighter

Go figure.......