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Pleased to report - got pre-op dates at last!!


New Member
  • Aug 08 referred by GP to Walsall Manor;
  • Nov 08 saw surgeon etc and confirmed they would do surgery;
  • Jan 09 found out they had lost my files or some such nonsense, so no funding request put in to PCT;
  • Feb 09 funding request sent off and funding approved;
  • March 09 received pre-op dates, funding withdrawn, funding appeal sent off;
  • April 09 funding confirmed once more - based on higher BMI than when original request put in;
  • Today - received pre-op dates both in May!!!
So it's all coming together - Billy Bragg says in one of his songs "virtue never tested is no virtue at all"... Hmm, they say patience is a virtue, and mine certainly has been tested!! I may well now get my op before the year is up from when I first saw GP, which was my hope, so keeping fingers crossed now!!

Have my psychologist appointment at Walsall tomorrow too... very nervous about that, particularly after reports on here (Red!) about how their psyche appts went!!!

well done hun ... its a pain in the arse sometimes aint it ... got to keep checking on whats going on with hospitals ..

but atleast ur getting it all done now .. my pre op is 5th may and op 29th may so ur wait might be over soon hun .

good luck xx
  • Aug 08 referred by GP to Walsall Manor;
  • Nov 08 saw surgeon etc and confirmed they would do surgery;
  • Jan 09 found out they had lost my files or some such nonsense, so no funding request put in to PCT;
  • Feb 09 funding request sent off and funding approved;
  • March 09 received pre-op dates, funding withdrawn, funding appeal sent off;
  • April 09 funding confirmed once more - based on higher BMI than when original request put in;
  • Today - received pre-op dates both in May!!!
So it's all coming together - Billy Bragg says in one of his songs "virtue never tested is no virtue at all"... Hmm, they say patience is a virtue, and mine certainly has been tested!! I may well now get my op before the year is up from when I first saw GP, which was my hope, so keeping fingers crossed now!!

Have my psychologist appointment at Walsall tomorrow too... very nervous about that, particularly after reports on here (Red!) about how their psyche appts went!!!



I am so pleased for you. You have shown such patience and grace in the face of everything, I am quite humbled. I now look forward to sharing the rest of your journey with you and here's to a pre-summer op-date!

Hey hun, seeing Dr. Kendrick was one of the highlights of going through this procedure. I seriously think everyone should see a bariatric pysche. Just be yourself hun, you'll be fine.

Thanks guys. Tes and Brett, you must both be getting quite nervous now, not long to go for both of you!!

Fantastic news Lorna. As the others have said, you have been so gracious whilst waiting so Im so glad that you have early dates to loo forward to.
I think that Walsall must have got more anaesthetist dates now, hence my second one being when it is and not in June as my first one was. It may well be that others will get their second date brought forward now... Fingers x'd anyway!
Nice one Lorna, I'm so chuffed for you, Mays not long at all. Before you know it you will be telling us all about your op. x
Quick update - went to see the psychologist today, but unfortunately he hadn't turned up for work!! They didn't know why and so I just had to leave. Had got all psyched up ('scuse the pun!) as well!!

Met up with a fellow mini for a glass of water so that was really nice, then home with the roof down in what remained of a glorious day!
Oh God Lorna, how frustrating.

Still, at least you got to meet up with a fellow mininer. Have they given you another Psyche appt?
Sam, they will send me another date. The woman doing the appts said that if she did it then it would be months away. I'm not particularly bothered when it is to be honest!
Loving your attitude to this Lorna. Stressing doesnt make the appointments come any sooner. I think it was Angela who was told that sometimes people dont get their Psyche appts till post op.