New Member
Hi Guys & Gals
Well I been in hospital today for me port revision & fill. All went well, no problems I was done about 1.15pm and been in (home)about 20 mins and just had some lovely good old reliable tomato soup (no bits and slowly sipped of course) and I had 3 mils put in my band , surgeon gave me some water to drink and timed me how long it took too go down (15 secs) and he said any problems with keep fluid down to go back to A & E and he will take some fluids out, he also sed clear fluids for 3/4 days (same for mushy) and then onto proper stuff but take it slow and chew,chew,chew and then the weight will get moving. He wants me to call him in 2 weeks to let him know if I have lost any weight at all , if not he will book me in for another fill asap ( think he sed about 4 weeks after this one) ,He congratulated me on the stones loss I have had so far and told me too keep up the good work which I thought was nice of him .
but all in all it went well, I am a little tender and sore but on the whole feeling gr8 . Tell u summit folks it was weird being awake and being operated on , no pain wot so ever but pressure and pulling felt weird...but thats me all over (weird) ty all xx
Thanks for all your support - Julie xx
Well I been in hospital today for me port revision & fill. All went well, no problems I was done about 1.15pm and been in (home)about 20 mins and just had some lovely good old reliable tomato soup (no bits and slowly sipped of course) and I had 3 mils put in my band , surgeon gave me some water to drink and timed me how long it took too go down (15 secs) and he said any problems with keep fluid down to go back to A & E and he will take some fluids out, he also sed clear fluids for 3/4 days (same for mushy) and then onto proper stuff but take it slow and chew,chew,chew and then the weight will get moving. He wants me to call him in 2 weeks to let him know if I have lost any weight at all , if not he will book me in for another fill asap ( think he sed about 4 weeks after this one) ,He congratulated me on the stones loss I have had so far and told me too keep up the good work which I thought was nice of him .
Thanks for all your support - Julie xx