Bit of a weirdy! XD
Totally off subject but would like to hear your opinions and stories please
Since deciding to change my life with WLS Im having 'screw it! I did this for me, why stop there?' kinda thoughts
Ive always been alternative, had a love of faeries since 2, an enchanted woodland wedding and festival/boho/gothic fashion sense. Piercings, wanting tattoos eventually etc etc and I love dreads. Have made and worn felt, synthetic and cyberlox ones but now want to go a step further and have real ones. Photo from Oct 2013

Since surgery have you done anything different/new that you wouldnt have done pre op??
Id really like to hear of your stories, and outcomes both good and bad!
Since deciding to change my life with WLS Im having 'screw it! I did this for me, why stop there?' kinda thoughts
Ive always been alternative, had a love of faeries since 2, an enchanted woodland wedding and festival/boho/gothic fashion sense. Piercings, wanting tattoos eventually etc etc and I love dreads. Have made and worn felt, synthetic and cyberlox ones but now want to go a step further and have real ones. Photo from Oct 2013

Since surgery have you done anything different/new that you wouldnt have done pre op??
Id really like to hear of your stories, and outcomes both good and bad!