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possible obstruction

Good Luck with it Leigh... surely this is the last hurdle for you!!
Oh lordy i do hope so Mandy. Been trying ti stay positive but honestly its been getting me down this last week. A diet of actimel and juice is not what i anticipated. No weight loss is worth living like this.....its miserable.

Hope things are going well for you.................Sorry ive not been in touch, we went away for a few days and have not been up to much since our return.

How was yr last appt?
It was fine hun all going according to plan. My 12 wk check is on 30th Sept. I'm off on my hols on Saturday so Ill check in as soon as I'm back to see how your getting on.. Good Luck x
Hi all, Just wanted to fill you in and apologise for not being here.

Had a lot going on...

after 2nd 'stretch' no change, still living on tomato soup, crackers, yoghurt, and anything 'sweet' when i feel desperate to actually feel im truly eating/ie chewing as opposed to just swallowing/drinking mush.

Need to go for a 3rd stretch but have refused it for the moment as im waiting for a biopsy for skin cancer, scheduled for 18th; and really cant cope with a lot more til i get this sorted.

On the whole, im in limbo... part of me has decided if this 3rd stretch doesnt work i need to give serious thought to having this reversed. The quality of life right now is ridiculous. Im exhausted all the time, moody, impatient with the kids and depressed. I lost more weight than this on my own ..obviously after several months i didnt keep it off but loosing weight naturally i was full of energy, eating healthily, and was happy and active. If things deteriorate further than im hoping with the op reversed there will be some support to help me loose and maintain.

Im not making any decisions yet of course; i need to find out the results of the biopsy first then the 3rd stretch and go from there. But one way or the other i need some quality of life back.......................
omg Leigh you have really been through it :( hope everything goes well with the biopsy, good luck with everything, you sure do deserve a break xxx
Agree wholeheartedly with caren! I wish you the very best. Important sure it'll come together. X

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I hope you get good results from the biopsy as if anyone deserve a break you do. Hope that the third stretch sorts out your bypass and helps you eat without being sick. Sending hugs and very best wishes to you sweetheart :)
Unbelievable!! I cant believe your still suffering.. I know the vast majority of people who have surgery do not have these struggles but it useful for pre-op people to hear what can happen. Thankfully it is not often, you have been very unlucky Leigh. Your doing the right thing facing one thing at a time and I wish you all the luck in the world xxx
so sorry you are having a tough time of it leigh. Lets hope this 3rd stretch does the trick because you will see such an improvement. Keep strong hun and all will be fine x
So sorry to hear of what you've been going through. Poor you :(

Wishing you all the very best for you biopsy, and that it's found to be nothing serious.
Thanks for the kind words all. All i can say about the biopsy is OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a good palce to have injections and/or stitches. I got a ral shock when the consultant said it would take 3 weeks to get the results. I had previously asked the GP and she expected it to be 'a few days'. I know id we were in the states it would only be a few days. It's ridiculous in this day and age to have to wait so long.

Had booked my 3rd stretch in but the after the biopsy found i had to go get the results on the same day so have postponed it until afterwards.

Hope you are all well...