Hi all, Just wanted to fill you in and apologise for not being here.
Had a lot going on...
after 2nd 'stretch' no change, still living on tomato soup, crackers, yoghurt, and anything 'sweet' when i feel desperate to actually feel im truly eating/ie chewing as opposed to just swallowing/drinking mush.
Need to go for a 3rd stretch but have refused it for the moment as im waiting for a biopsy for skin cancer, scheduled for 18th; and really cant cope with a lot more til i get this sorted.
On the whole, im in limbo... part of me has decided if this 3rd stretch doesnt work i need to give serious thought to having this reversed. The quality of life right now is ridiculous. Im exhausted all the time, moody, impatient with the kids and depressed. I lost more weight than this on my own ..obviously after several months i didnt keep it off but loosing weight naturally i was full of energy, eating healthily, and was happy and active. If things deteriorate further than im hoping with the op reversed there will be some support to help me loose and maintain.
Im not making any decisions yet of course; i need to find out the results of the biopsy first then the 3rd stretch and go from there. But one way or the other i need some quality of life back.......................